Vol.I No.VI Pg.5
June 1964

Use Your Bible ......

Robert F. Turner


Paul "verily thought with" himself that he "ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth." (Acts 26:9) He was honestly deceived.

Various Things May Deceive Us:

  1. False prophets. 1 John 4:1 with vain words - Eph. 5:6-10
    • Compare life and words with the divine standard. 1 Jn. 4:5 3:7-8
  2. Riches are deceitful. Matt. 13:22 Heb. 11:24-26 (Note Prov. 3L;30)
    • Treasures in heaven, only sure wealth. Matt. 6:19-21.
  3. Philosophy of men. Col. 2:8 Human reason and wisdom. 1 Cor. 1:20-f
    • We are complete in Christ.(Col.2:B-lO) His revelation. 1 Cor.2:l-f.

Perhaps More Important, We Deceive Ourselves:

  1. By our pride. Obadiah 3 Gal. 6:3.
  2. By trusting in our strength. 1 Cor. 3:18-f. (Prov. 21:51)
  3. Evil companions. (See Amer. Revised version, 1 Cor. 15:33)
  4. Our own big fat blabbing tongue. Jas. 1:26 3:2-f
  5. Idols in our heart. Ezk. 14:1-5;9. (Loving something more than God)
    • (If love not the truth, Lord allows deception. 2 Thes. 2:10)
  6. By hearing only, not doing -- we deceive ourselves. Jas. 1:22.

Paul wrote (Ga1. 6:7) "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." "God is not mocked" simply means He isn't deceived. God knows us better than we know ourselves. "All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do." (Heb. 4:12-13)

God has given us a perfect guide, by which we are to be finally judged. (Jn. 12:46-50) He provides us with the necessary "light" Let us SEE, and LIVE.