Vol.I No.V Pg.5
May 1964

Use Your Bible ......

Robert F. Turner


Read Matt. 23:13-39. These bitter denunciations from the "meek and lowly" Lord evidence His strong desire to save sinners. Many varied appeals had been made, to no avail. Now the lash is applied -- and still Christ fails. Note verse 37:


BUT HE FAILS WITH US IF WE: 1. To love us. Jn. 3:16 1. Fail to love God: 1 Jn.5:3 1 Jn. 4:7-11 and one another. 1 Jn.4:20 2. To die and rise again. 1 Cor.15:1-4 2. Deny the resurrection. 1 Cor.15:12-f. 3. Perfect sacrifice Heb. 10:1-14 3. Expect another sacrifice. Heb. 10:25-29 4. Provide grace for all. Titus 2:11-f 4. Receive grace in vain 2 Corinthians 6:1-f. 5. Remove the Old Law. Rom. 7:1-4 5. Try to live under it. Galations 5:1-4 6. Provide word of salvation. Jas.1:18-21, 22. 6. Trust in our feelings. 2 Thes. 2:10-12

Acts 26:9 7. Clear Explicit Commands. Acts 2:38 7. Refuse to obey. Lu.7:30


Why not try your hand at adding to this outline? For example: Christ has not failed to establish His church, but we build competitive organizations; Christ has not failed to plead for unity, but we thank God for denominational division; Christ has not failed to knock at our hearts, but we refuse to open. Can you build the appropriate scripture citations for these and other points?

Live As Though Christ Never Lived And You Will Die As Though Christ Never Died