Use Your Bible ......
Psm. 10:4-11
Some attitudes and thoughts of the Infidel are here described:
- Vs. 4, "He will not require it."
- God doesn't really mean what He says
- Vs. 6, "I shall not be moved -- have no adversity"
- Self-confident, I don't really need God.
- Vs.11, "God hath forgotten. He hideth His face."
- God will never know about my sins.
Other Indications of In-Fidel—"Lack of Faith":
I. Accept Only What Appeals to Senses, Reason...
- Rom. 4:16-f. Abraham, believed against hope.
- If reason must prove God, God becomes subject to man.
II. The Stubborn, Who Will Not See...
- Blinded by the God of this world, 2 Cor. 4:4
- Satan takes the seed away. Lu. 8:12
- Stubbornness is as Idolatry. 1 Sam. 15:23
III. Having the Form, but Denying the Power. 2 Tim. 3:1-8
- Hold to Bible terminology, but not to principles.
- Neo-Prthodoxy Modernism -- "playing" at God-service.
- Social gospel, perverts purpose and end of gospel.
- Vs. 8 -- "reprobate concerning the faith."
IV. Inactive Members -- Lack Faith...
- Heb. 2:12, 17-19 Believe-not, disobedient. (See A.R.V.)
- Heb. 12:1 The sin that so easily besets -us, unbelief.
- Deny the faith -- 1 Tim. 5:8
- Shipwreck the faith 1 Tim. 1:19
In One Sense, All Non-Christians are UNBELIEVERS.
- 1 Cor. 6:1-6 Unbelievers versus Saints.
- 1 Cor. 14:23-25 Unbelievers attend services.
It is difficult to imagine any one who truly believes in God, and His word, who would continue to ignore both God and His word. Easy to understand how some may be searching for further information, intent on doing God's will as rapidly as each new point is discovered. Beware less delay mean infidelity.