Vol.I No.XI Pg.2
November 1964

"She Didn't Mind It!"

Robert F. Turner

Faith is a simple thing--for those who possess it; and often expresses itself in simple ways.

I was awakened recently by a phone call which told of the passing of a dear friend and sister in Christ. Eighty-six years young, and active to within one week of her death, "Aunt Mattie Garrett" had finally answered the call that is common to this life.

A bit shaken, I began to offer my sympathies, but was stopped by the low, calm voice of my caller. "She didn't mind it!" she said, with conviction. And I knew she was right.

No-- she didn't mind it. She spent her last day on earth singing softly to herself, the gospel songs she had known so long, and murmuring such words as "heaven" "Jesus" and the like. There was no struggle here; but a quiet anticipation of the crossing of Jordan, and a much-needed rest. Remember that old "spiritual"??

"If you git there a-fore I do, Tell my-Lawd Ize comin' too---"

Well, I am --- and so are you! And just hope and pray that when our time arrives we will have lived so that "we won't mind it!"

That kind of faith may be simple, but there is profoundness in its simplicity that recommends it highly. """"""""'

We never cease to be amazed at the response we get to PLAIN TALK. A few cancellations now and then are routine, (about 1 per 1,000) but the warm and encouraging letters are thrilling.

One lady is surprised that I write so much truth despite the fact that I went to college. (She evidently does not agree with current school propaganda that the church must depend on colleges for her preachers; nor do I.)

One friend, who knows he can criticize my work and remain a friend, completely "graded" an issue-- making "corrections" he felt I needed -- and returned it. (I got five "A"s, one "C", and one "B", all appreciated.)

We get mail from people not on our list-- PLAIN TALK is "passed around. Well, it's free; so if you wish to receive PLAIN TALK just send us your name and address.

HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT. If you move, please send a card with both the old and new address. Your questions and comments help us to better serve you. We use PLAIN TALK because we love you. (Gal. 4:10)