Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
April 17, 1958
NUMBER 49, PAGE 6-7a

A Review Of Dean E. Claude Gardner's Optimism

Thomas O'neal And Doyle Fox

Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson, Tennessee Personally, we have no animosity in our hearts toward Brother Gardner whatsoever. We esteem him highly as an excellent Bible teacher. But we believe that his article in the Gospel Advocate, February 27, 1958, "I Am Optimistic" needs to be reviewed badly.

When the writer under review saw the brethren debating the issues over the country he became alarmed. Should not every Christian become alarmed when the Lord's Church is threatened by division? Yes, we too are alarmed. We are deeply interested in the Church of the Lord. We want peace and unity upon NOTHING but "a thus saith the Lord."

Brother Gardner believes that the controversy over current issues is "about to run its course." Could it be that the brethren---promoting human institutions are becoming like the Roman Catholic Church — that is, they do not want to test their doctrine under the search light of God's word? Therefore, the promoting brethren are becoming more unwilling to affirm their positions. in public debate as time goes on. This we believe is the reason "the current issues are becoming less `current' " and that "the controversy is about to run its course."

We do not believe that we will have division because in the past few years some brethren have been willing to discuss their differences. Discussions will help keep division off the door steps of the churches. Some congregations still have trouble and will ALWAYS continue to have their troubles. We need not become alarmed at this because the church of God in Corinth had as many "church troubles" as any congregation has today.

"It is true that there are some congregations that yet have trouble and there are still some preachers riding their hobby . . ." Who is the hobby rider? We would like for someone and especially Dean Gardner to define the term "hobby rider." Many brethren seem to think that a hobby rider is anyone who opposes "my view." But this is not the case. Brother Gardner seems to think that those whom he calls hobby riders seem to be in the minority. Some brethren seem to believe that the group opposed to human institutions doing the work of the Church is smaller than it really is. But what does that prove, Brother Gardner? Absolutely nothing. Was it the majority or the minority that favored the Missionary Society and instrumental music? We would like an answer to this please. Was the majority or the minority the group saved in the ark? We suppose, according to Brother Gardner, that the majority was right, but look where the majority ended.

Suffice it to say here, since when did gospel preachers begin to prove a practice to be scriptural by human tradition? If Brother Gardner would just take the time to read all those old Gospel Advocates in the library of the college of which he is Dean, he would see such men as F. D. Srygley, H. Leo Boles, E. A. Elam, and especially that "old woman with the broom sweeping back the tide" — Brother David Lipscomb, opposing such practices. David Lipscomb opposed the very practice that Brother Gardner now advocates. As proof of this, Brother Gardner, we cite to you: The Life And Times of David Lipscomb, page 271, written by Brother Earl West; also the article on the Henderson, Tennessee meeting in the Gospel Advocate, March 24, 1910 by Brother David Lipscomb. Let Brother Gardner forever be silent that we have practiced such after reading the above citations.

"These practices, of course, are found on scriptural teaching." We are wondering why he did not produce.

SCRIPTURAL evidence that these practices harmonize. Why did he not harmonize them for us? This reminds us, the writers of this article are to engage in two debates here on the campus with two of our outstanding classmates. The Lord willing, one of these will be next week on congregational cooperation; and the other next quarter on institutional orphan homes, Since Brother Gardner didn't give SCRIPTURAL proof in his article maybe he will be able to render some valuable assistance to these boys since he knows the scriptures for these practices. If he knows the SCRIPTURES that authorize these practices we wish he would give them to our classmates because we only want SCRIPTURE. "A THUS SAITH THE LORD," BOOK; CHAPTER, AND VERSE. Should we be satisfied with anything short of this?

Brother Gardner talks about the "fellowship question" again. Who are the ones that are drawing the line of fellowship? Who are the ones that are making it a test of fellowship — the ones opposing or the ones promoting?

"It is foregone that the orphan homes will not be closed nor will the Herald of Truth and similar programs be abandoned." In generations gone by men would not give up 'idols in their hearts' and the same is still true in this age.

Brother Gardner says: "Likely such worthy works are receiving more support than when the iconoclasts began their efforts." Just what does that big word iconoclast mean? Well, Webster says: "1. A breaker of icons; or images; an opponent of religious use of images. 2. One who attacks cherished beliefs as shams." Does Brother Gardner mean to infer that he and those who stand with him have "idols" that they are seeking to uphold? Is that it, Brother Gardner? Please tell us. Yes, modern innovations are idols just as much as the idols the elders of Israel had in their hearts. (Ezek. 14:15.) The Lord will reward man according to the idols that he has in his heart.

Again, "When the controversy started, brethren were patient with those who wanted to 'study' the question. When it was discovered that the 'ANTIS' (emphasis ours T. O. and D. F.) were taking their hobby seriously enough to divide churches and mark faithful brethren as modernistic innovators, it was then time to defy Goliath." Brother Gardner seems to believe that we will no longer be patient with those-WHO are "studying" the question. But Brother Gardner is all wrong about this. We are still patient with those who are studying the question. And the result of an honest study will be TRUTH on their part. Is Brother Gardner patient with those who are "studying," willing for them to ask him questions about his position? We pray that he is.

Also, our brother thinks that brethren debating is an ugly thing and certainly this is true when brethren will not act like children of the King. But we need to Fe-Member -such verses as Acts 15:7; I Th. 1:1-2, and Jude 3. Acts 15:17 says, "After much disputing," but if our brother had been there it would have been an "ugly spectacle" for the brethren to have debated.

But now notice this next statement with care: "Now that a number of debates have been held, it occurs to me that others are pointless." Does Brother Gardner mean that we should banish forever this way of studyingdebating? He seems to think no more study is needed. But does he really believe this. I presume that he is in favor of debating Missionary Baptist Pastors and especially in the section of our good land in which we live. But we have had numerous debates with them and so according to hint we should have no more. Is this correct?

He next wants to put some brethren in the class of Ketcherside, Garrett, the Sommers. But if some of our good brethren were in the same class, lived in the same town and did everything just about like these men, Brother Gardner's position would still not have been proved SCRIPTURALLY.

"Likewise Brethren Harper, Woods and Warren and others have met the new 'antis'." Thank you, Brother Gardner. We believe these brethren to be in error but we are thankful that they are STILL willing to study and have more debates. Good will be the result of an attitude as this. We wish more brethren would have this attitude and not think that any more debates would be "pointless."

Those "antis." They are some crowd of people. I wonder who they are? Brother Gardner it will do you and your cause little good to seek to stigmatize those who differ with you as a bunch of "antis." Brother Gardner, are you "anti sin? Tell us!

"B. C. Goodpasture and the Gospel Advocate can be praised for standing in the 'old paths' against the would-be reformers .... It has not been an easy course for an editor but this writer marvels at the wisdom with which Brother Goodpasture has handled situation." We will let you, the reader be the judge as to who is standing in the "old paths." Our Brother marvels how "Brother Goodpasture has handled the situation." Brother Gardner, anyone can sit behind a desk and select material and take "pop shots" at those who don't agree with him and his journal. Yes, using the "scissors and the paste method is an excellent way to edit the "Old Reliable."

"Elders of the church have also effectively brought a change by refusing to employ radicals for local work or for meetings." But when Brother E. Claude Gardner receives a call from a congregation that does not believe in his teaching along the line of human institutions, Brother Gardner accepts the invitation, goes to preach for the congregation, comes back and Writes up about his wonderful trip. Should the elders of this congregation quit letting Brother Gardner preach for them when the local preacher is away?

"The church can now look back over a crisis and be thankful the church did not suffer a major break." Has the church suffered a minor break? Has it?

Brother Gardner closes his article in appealing to brethren to preach the gospel. Yes, we need the Word preached today just as much as any generation ever did. But in order to preach the gospel we must not form human organizations through which to preach it.

"To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus, our Lord: ... Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end. Amen." (Eph. 3:10-11, 21.)