Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 6, 1958

You Don't Have Time?

A recent survey indicates that the average American family has its TV set tuned in 6 hours of the day! This is amazing, if true. It means that almost as much time as is spent in sleep is spent in TV viewing! Think what this means in terms of the average person's complaint that he doesn't have time to "search the scriptures," do personal work, teach his children, go to church worship more than once a week, etc. It is very easily seen that if you attended every worship of the church each week, you would spend little more time for the entire week than the average American spends in front of his TV set in one day! Are we consistent ?

It may be true that we don't have the time to do a lot of things we should. But if we don't have the time, it is because we are not using it right. It is a well-established truth that we Americans have more leisure time than anyone else or ever before, because of our almost complete mechanization of things.

The use to which a Christian puts his time is going to make a lot of difference in the day of judgment. God holds us accountable for our stewardship of the things he has bestowed upon us. Time is one of the wonderful gifts of God. Make your time count! And, above all, be honest with yourself and with God. Think carefully before you say, "I don't have the time." You probably do, but are not managing wisely. — Selected