Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 20, 1958

Help Needed For Spanish Work In Lubbock

Grover Stevens, Lubbock, Texas

The Spanish church here in Lubbock is sponsored by the Eastside church in Lubbock. One of the elders of the Eastside church is the treasurer of the Spanish church. He receives all the contributions from the contributing churches — the Broadway church in Lubbock sends $25.00 each week, and the Eastside church makes a contribution to this work by transferring the amount ($25.00 weekly) from their own account to the Spanish account, and the Spanish brethren take their own contribution over to the sponsoring church (Eastside) and turn it over to this elder. He deposits this money in the bank, pays all the bills, and in general, directs the work of this Spanish church.

Recently, the Spanish brethren decided that they wanted to change preachers. The one they had is a Latin-American, but raised and educated in English, rather than Spanish. He speaks very poor Spanish, according to the Latin-American brethren, and was not doing the work they wanted to be done. A Spanish preacher whom they knew, was planning to move from where he was, and, they wanted him to come preach for them. They got together and planned how they could raise enough money among themselves to support him. They then went to their sponsoring elder at the Eastside church and explained their desires and plans to him. He refused to allow it, and told them that if they did not like the way things were, they could go elsewhere.

About 30 (including their children) started meeting in a brother's home. They asked brother Orlando Diaz, the Spanish preacher at Idalou to come preach for them one Thursday night. He came and preached, but the elders of the English church in Idalou, who are the sponsors of the Spanish church in Idalou, were contacted and brother Diaz was fired. He then moved to Lubbock and began preaching for the brethren meeting in brother Rodriquez's home. These brethren are unable to fully support brother Diaz, and they are seeking help.

The contribution of the Spanish brethren runs about $20.00 a week. One of them gave two lots on which to build a church building. They are trying to build a small frame building in which to worship until they grow enough to enlarge. These brethren are sound in the faith. They have experienced the violation of autonomy by a sponsoring church firsthand, and then too, they have been taught the truth on this subject. and also on institutionalism, by brethren Wayne Partain and Bill Reeves who came and worked with them for a week. Brothers Partain and Reeves work among the Latin-American brethren along the Mexican border. They preached for the Spanish brethren here at their (Spanish brethren's) invitation. Brother Partain is to return soon for a meeting with them.

These brethren are seeking help for regular support for brother Diaz. They feel that his need is the most urgent, and that they can and will supply a building for themselves in due time. They need $200 per month at least for the time being. Brother Diaz is a good preacher and sound in the faith. He was converted from the Nazarene Church, in which he had preached for many years, by brother Byrl Brockman. If you brethren can help him on this in any amount it will he a sound investment in a sound preacher among the Spanish speaking people of Lubbock.

Your support should be sent direct to bro. Orlando Diaz, P. O. Box 757, Lubbock, Texas, who will send you a complete report of all his income each month. It is alright to write him in English. Bro. Eleazar Loya, P. O.Box 757, Lubbock, is the treasurer and secretary for this congregation. If you would like further information write directly to brothers Loya, or Diaz, or to the elders of the Caprock Church of Christ, P. O. Box 3094, Lubbock, or to Wayne Partain, Box 474, Weslaco, Texas.