The Overflow
"Can any man forbid water?"
Apparently, yes. We have just learned of two more instances in which angry and excited brethren have forbidden the use of the baptistry to those who did not agree with them on the "orphan-home" question! How silly and childish can brethren get? And just how far will they take this preposterous idea? Which group of the "pro-orphan home" promoters will one have to "agree" with before being permitted to use the baptistry — the Gospel Advocate position or the Firm Foundation position? The positions are mutually exclusive, making it impossible to agree with BOTH groups.
Cooperation urged
We got a quiet smile out of the report in The Living Church (Episcopal) of a speech made by Miss Helen Trumbull at a meeting recently in New York sponsored by the World Council. Miss Trumbull urged that the church promote "cooperation, between the sexes" rather than maintain the present spirit of "competition, defensiveness, loneliness, and mistrust". She was particularly plugging for the ordination of women as clergymen (or should it be clergywomen) with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto.
Good sense
A few weeks ago a good church in a north Texas city was looking for a preacher. This church was known to support the various orphan homes and other "institutional organizations" in the land; so a preaching brother sent them his "application", and stated in no uncertain terms that he was "opposed to the Guardian boys", and would make that a strong point in his preaching if the church hired him. The elders responded to his letter by telling him they were interested in getting a man to "preach the gospel", and his personal hates and prejudices were of no particular interest to them! Good sense like that is all too rare these days. Oh, yes, in a
huff this! preacher "withdrew" his application. . . . in other words, if he can't vent his spleen from the pulpit against the "Guardian boys", he isn't interested in preaching for that church. Alas!
"Centralized organization and control"
"It will be remembered that in the apostolic age, the unit of organization among Christians was the church or congregation, and that in that arrangement, each church or congregation was, under the Lord, sovereign, free, and independent. By a constant and remorseless process, though, this simple but highly efficient order was gradually pushed aside in favor of a centralized organization and control."
— C. A. Norred "Seeking The Old Paths" Only a mistake
Then there was the penitent girl who made confession to her priest of her sinful vanity, "Because each morning when I dress I stand for long minutes before the mirror thinking how beautiful I am." "Fear not, my child," said the kindly priest. "That is not a sin — it's only a mistake."
Coming up
We have two long "open letters to Yater Tant" from brother John F. Reese, the Herald-Of-Truth elder of Highland Church in Abilene, which we will publish shortly. As usual brother Reese offers no scripture for his project, but seeks to make it acceptable by discrediting those who oppose. We publish his letters because they give an unforgettable object lesson as to how weak is the "proof" offered for Herald of Truth — and serve to demonstrate how far astray even a good man can go when he becomes infatuated with a false idea.
In loco husbondi?
We are now solemnly informed that the directors of an orphan home stand "in loco parentis" (in place of a parent) to the orphan children — which leads us to inquire if the directors of Gunter Home For The Aged stand in loco husbondi" (in the place of a husband) to the widows in that home? If the "lost" home of the orphan can be "restored" by a legal corporation, why can not the "lost" home of the widow be likewise "restored"? Furthermore, if the directors are in effect the "parents" of the orphan children, then the children are no longer orphans, and those who contribute to the institution are NOT helping orphan children! Gets kinda complicated, eh?
Need a song leader?
Brother L. B. Clayton, 820 N. W. 18th Street, Oklahoma City, has recently sold out his extensive lumber business and is going to wait a few months or perhaps a year before becoming active again in the business world. He is an elder in the Tenth and Francis Streets church, and for many years has been the regular song leader there. He would like to lead singing for a few meetings this summer or fall. This is the work in which he is widely experienced and highly capable. He will add much to any gospel meeting in which he takes part. If he can help you, write him at the above address.
This editor travels. His mail comes either to Abilene or to Lufkin. Each day it is taken out of the envelopes in which it arrives, all put into one big envelope, and sent air-mail to him. Repeatedly some brother sends in an excellent article which has his name nowhere on it or in it. Doubtless he supposes we can determine the author from the envelope in which it comes. But the editor probably never sees that envelope. So please, please put your name on the manuscript, preferably right under the title of your article. Thanks.
Food. fun and frolic!
"It's not too late for you to attend Friday night's festivities featuring fine food, frolicking fun, friendly fellowship and factual findings fitted for fleeing fretful, financial and flibbergibbetish feelings for a few fecund and felicitously filled moments piled high with good things to eat, to hear, and to lean. Climaxing the program will be a complete report on the progress of our Christian Home For Aged! Come one, come all..." — Bulletin Central Church of Christ, Houston,