Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 12, 1957

The Recent Encyclical From A Bishop Of Boles Home Church

Bryan Vinson, Tulsa, Oklahoma

"October 1, 1957 TO THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST EVERYWHERE: The Central Church of Christ in Greenville, Texas, is recognized by the church of Christ at Boles Home as being a faithful and loyal congregation of Christians, devoted to the truth and practice of New Testament Christianity. Several preachers from the Boles Home Church of Christ have preached for this congregation, and the Boles Home Church of Christ is making a contribution for the building of a house of worship for this congregation.

Brother V. E. Howard, one of the elders of the Central Church of Christ in Greenville and a faithful gospel minister, has been a friend and supporter of the work that is being done at Boles Home. He recently held a meeting for the Boles Home Church of Christ and is held in high esteem and good fellowship with the Boles Home Church of Christ and also with the work that is being done at Boles Home.

We regret that he has been subjected, along with others in the Central Church of Christ, to scurrilous and defamatory attacks by those who have been fostering and propagating a division in the church. And we trust that thoughtful and earnest brethren everywhere will recognize that Central Church of Christ in Greenville is composed of brethren who are evidently sound in faith and practice.

Faithfully and fraternally yours, Gayle Oler

The above is very enlightening in several respects. It came to my attention in a circular sent out by the Central Church of Christ dealing with the situation in Greenville as between them and the Walnut St. Congregation. This letter of commendation above is evidently designed to calm every disturbed heart and dissipate all fears as to the proper standing and character of this congregation. A word of praise and approval from brother Oler is supposed to be so weighty and conclusive as to have a universal influence. He has spoken, and therefore, all is well — every doubt is removed and this congregation stands forth as worthy of every confidence and full acceptance by churches of Christ everywhere.

All explanations by either of the congregations in justification of their respective actions and positions is wholly unnecessary; the Bishop of Boles has spoken. Let all the earth be silent, and fully assent to the pontifical pronouncement of brother Oler.

An interesting observation may be made on the fact that the Central Church went out from the Walnut St. Congregation; hence, the fact they so did is not the basis of either their acceptability or rejection by him. Hence, the physical act of departing from the premises and beginning another congregation does not constitute those so doing a faction. Is this, however, not the basis employed in other instances in branding those who have so acted as a faction, and responsible for the division thus affected? Now, then, we have it on unimpeachable authority that such does not constitute a faction; we have it on the authority of Brother Gayle Oler. Therefore, brethren everywhere, henceforth you need not be misled and deceived into thinking that those congregations which brother Oler and those likeminded have, heretofore, been branding as factions are such by reason of the fact they moved out and secured other premises for meeting to worship.

But on what rests the question of whether this congregation is a faithful and sound congregation? First, on the fact that several preachers from the BOLES HOME CHURCH OF CHRIST have preached there. Of course, none of them would think of preaching for an unsound church! Also, the Boles church has made a contribution to the Central building fund. And we know this would never be done except the receiving congregation was sound. Yes, it is so sound and faithful that a congregation composed, principally, of those who are living off the benefactions of brethren take that which has been given them to live, and send it to a building fund for a congregation surrounded by already existing congregations — not a destitute field where the cause of Christ has not been "established. Of course, Brother Oler disavows all connection between the home and the church, out he identifies the congregation in Quinlan, Texas as BOLES Home Church Of Christ! Furthermore, in this letter was he really speaking for the Home or the Church, and if the latter why did not the other elders sign the letter also ? Does his position in the "brotherhood" cause him to so overshadow the other elders of "Boles Home Church of Christ" as to render unnecessary or improper their joining in the sending forth of this encyclical? Or was he really functioning as the Overseer of Boles Home? This might be deducible from the following consideration.

He states that one of the members of this Central Congregation has been a friend and supporter of the work being done at Boles Home. He even recently held a meeting there! Therefore, the congregation is a church composed of those devoted to the truth and practice of New Testament Christianity. Of course, a congregation composed of members, at least having one prominent member who is a friend and supporter of Boles, is thus determined to be devoted to the truth and practice of New Testament Christianity. The contrary thereto would be that a congregation so lacking in devotion to, friendship for, and support of Boles Home would be one NOT devoted to the truth and practice of New Testament Christianity! Therefore, any congregation's faithfulness and soundness turns on the fact that it is a friend and supporter of Boles Orphan Home! It matters not that it may be preaching the truth, maintaining a pure worship, sounding out the word, and relieving such needs as may properly fall within the sphere of it's scriptural responsibility — it is not a sound church unless it has Gayle Oler's endorsement sent forth to churches everywhere; and to so have it, it must be a friend and supporter of his — or the home which amounts to the same thing!

Yes, we are persuaded that the fellowship and goodwill of brother Oler is suspended on the singular and supreme point of whether one believes in the institution over which he reigns and from which he derives gain. One may believe every word in the New Testament and practice its every precept, but such is incompetent unless, in addition thereto, one believes in the support a human institution not one time mentioned in the scriptures in name or character. This is the test of fellowship which has been formulated, and by which one receives either his praise or curse — and remember HE HAS SPOKEN! Ex Cathedra?