Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 17, 1957

"The Death Rattle Was In Its Throat"

C. E. W. Dorris, Nashville, Tennessee

The following extract, under caption, "Here And There," appeared on the editorial page of the Gospel Advocate, 1957, page 466:

"If you can't answer him, smear him," seems to be the watchword of hobby riders and false teachers. The Jews of the first century, who were specialists in paying tithes of mint, anise and cummin, and made a hobby of their traditions, said that Jesus was a Samaritan and had a devil. (John 8:48.) They said that Paul was a pestilent fellow, a mover of insurrection among the Jews throughout the world, and one who sought to profane the temple. These words were voiced by Tertullus but the Jews prompted hint and endorsed what he said. (Acts 24:1,5.) The more desperate a cause becomes, the more bitter, caustic, and unscrupulous do its advocates write and speak. A good modern example is seen in the champions of 'Sommerism' and those who would attempt to infuse new life into that cadaverous body of that divisive hobby at a time when the death rattle was in its throat. An aroused and informed brotherhood will be able to appraise such attempts to smear and deal with those who are responsible for them."

It seems from the above that this "Sommerite baby" with "the death rattle in its throat" had entered into the valley and shadow of death, and that in a little while it would be in eternity. Its relatives and friends must have been standing by the bed with a flood of tears flowing from weeping eyes, expecting the next breath to be the last.

Under such circumstances, who could expect anything else but that in a short time an undertaker would be called to take charge of the body and prepare it for burial. But to the surprise and amazement of all standing around, a special friend and lover of the dying child appeared upon the scene, put a shot in its arm, and "infused new life into that cadaverous body. This killed "the death rattle that was in its throat," and brought the dying baby into strong and robust health.

After the miracle had been performed, the editor of the Gospel Advocate saw that the baby was wise and fair to look upon, and quickly adopted it into the editorial family to guide the policy of "Old Reliable." Immediately after the adoption, this bouncing baby put into operation its father's old policy of not publishing both sides of an issue, and has had great success along this line ever since.

I don't know which is the biggest "hobby rider" — the man who teaches Sommerism, or the man who practices Sommerism. I leave the reader to decide this question for himself.