Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 29, 1957


Bill Fling, 1021 Termino, Long Beach 4, Calif., August 14: "The church in East Long Beach, Calif. sent Bro. Melvin Rose to Red Bluff, Calif. about four years ago with the purpose of establishing a church of the Lord. A small congregation was established and a meeting house and classrooms erected.

Bro. Rose resigned shortly after the first of this year, and the Red Bluff brethren have selected Bro. Norton Dye to work with them as evangelist. The church here in Long Beach is cooperating by sending financial support to Bro. Dye each month.

Bro. Dye moves to Red Bluff from Avenal, Calif. The church in Long Beach is happy to cooperate in preaching the Gospel with a man of Brother Dye's character and convictions.

If you know of any friends or relatives in the Red Bluff area that would be interested in studying with Bro. Dye, he would be glad to have their names. His address as of August 1st is 1885 Douglas, Red Bluff."

Reporting A Meeting

John W. Buster, 4 Grinnell St., Massena, N. Y.: "Brother Jack Frost has just closed a mission meeting at Malone, New York, forty miles from Massena, having been sent by the church in Gordon, Georgia and assisted by the church in Massena.

There were no visible results but the good seed was sown. Brother Frost worked relentlessly almost day and night making many contacts. We believe much good was done and if some one would go and follow up the good work done there, the church would soon be established in that city.

My secular work will terminate this fall or winter, then I must move on. Brethren, I urge you to consider helping the few brethren that will be left here to support a full time preacher. There are hundreds of miles and millions of souls in this vicinity and not one full time gospel preacher."

Japanese Preacher To Work Full Time At Taga

Charles W. Doyle: "Since most of the Japanese churches are small, progress toward self support has been rather slow. It's always good news therefore when a church takes a step in this direction. The Taga church in Ibaraki made an important beginning in this respect recently when they decided to employ a full time Japanese evangelist. Heretofore they had depended entirely on an American missionary for leadership in the church work.

They will not be able to pay his full monthly salary of $30.00, however. For the first year, about one half of this amount will be supplied from America. As they become able, the Taga church will increase their share of the load.

The man they have chosen to work with them is Brother Chuzo Yukawa, who became a Christian about two years ago during a gospel meeting held at Taga. The personal history of this man is very interesting.

Born in Tokyo 36 years ago he became a soldier when he was 23 and went to China. He became a prisoner of the Russians and was sent to Siberia for two years where he suffered near starvation and contracted a lung weakness. In these distressing conditions he turned to Communism as a means of personal and social salvation.

After being repatriated he served the Communist party in Tokyo for a few years, but became disillusioned and in a weakened state of health he came to Taga at the suggestion of a friend and began working at the fish market.

Two years ago in the early spring he heard a loud speaker announcing a Christian gospel meeting and his heart was particularly touched by the singing of the hymns. He attended the meeting, was baptized, and has since been doing evangelistic work in Mito.

Brother Yukawa is a very effective preacher and he is especially interested in spreading the gospel through social work. For two years he has visited the hospital in Mito daily to comfort the patients to do their washing for them, etc. He is convinced that Christian concern for the unfortunate as demonstrated by action is the most effective answer to Communism.

It is hoped that his self-sacrificing zeal will inspire the Taga church to a firmer dedication to the work of preaching the gospel."

Gene Frost, 1333 Rosslyn, Houston, Texas:

"ADVANCE NOTICE: DEBATE IN HOUSTON — On September 9, 10, 12, 13, 1957 Gene Frost will engage Rollo Tinkler in public discussion. The propositions to be debated:

1 — The Scriptures permit Churches of Christ to contribute funds to other organizations (such as the Gospel Guardian or Boles Home) for purposes of evangelism or benevolence.

Rollo Tinkler, affirms Gene Frost, denies

2 — The Scriptures prohibit a contribution of funds by churches of Christ to other organizations (such as the Gospel Guardian or Boles Home) for purposes of evangelism or benevolence.

Gene Frost, affirms Rollo Tinkler, denies

The meeting place for this study is yet to be announced by those supporting brother Tinkler. (Announcement will be made as soon as possible.) This discussion is to be followed in a few months with a study of congregational cooperation."

Lloyd Moyer, El Cerrito, California: "Lloyd Moyer of El Cerrito, California and Don Rudd of Tupelo, Miss. will meet in a public debate September 23, 24, 25 and 26. The debate will be held in Tupelo, Miss. The propositions are as follows.

1 — Resolved: Such an arrangement and co-operative effort on the part of churches for preaching the gospel as the Herald of Truth is without Scriptural authority.

Affirms: Lloyd Moyer Denies: Don Rudd

2 — Resolved: Such an arrangement and co-operative effort on the part of churches for the preaching of the gospel as the Hearld of Truth is Scriptural.

Affirms: Don Rudd Denies: Lloyd Moyer

3 — Resolved: It is contrary to New Testament teaching for churches of Christ to build, maintain, and work through such benevolent institutions as the Tennessee Orphan Home.

Affirms: Lloyd Moyer Denies: Don Rudd

4 — Resolved: It is scriptural for churches of Christ to build, maintain, and work through such benevolent institutions as Tennessee Orphan Home.

Affirms: Don Rudd Denies: Lloyd Moyer

Roy Burgess, Alma, Ga.: "The Lord blessed our efforts in the meeting with the Church in the Iconium community near Woodbury. Fourteen were baptized and one was restored. We are now in a promising meeting in the Wood's community. We go next to Sunny Slope and then to River Rouge. Michigan. Pray for these meetings. To our Heavenly Father be all the praise."

Moyer-Rudd Debate: "On September 23 and continuing through September 26, Bro. Lloyd Moyer will meet Don Rudd in debate again. The propositions for debate will he two nights on the Orphan home problem, Don Rudd taking the position that such benevolent societies among us are authorized, Bro. Lloyd Moyer, denying; two nights on the Herald of Truth. Don, again is taking the position that such centralized arrangements are authorized, Bro. Lloyd Moyer denying. (I don't know for sure just where Don will say these are authorized, for he is on record, stating that you don't need scripture to prove the Orphan's Home is authorized in the scripture.)

The debate will be held at Don Rudd's School of Evangelists, in Tupelo, Mississippi. Plan to attend if you can, Bro. Moyer is to be commended for meeting Don. He is undoubtedly one of the best of those who are trying to defend this proposition. He is also one of the most trying on the man's patience that is debating him. Plan to attend, if you can.