Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
July 11, 1957

"The Meddle Of The Road"

J. A. Dixon, Del Paso Heights, California

"A closer study of THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD." (Written by Brother Roy H. Lanier, in the Feb. 26, 1957 issue of the Firm Foundation.)

The First Paragraph, Benevolence Under Elderships.

All the work done by a local congregation is to be done under the oversight of eldership. Surely there is no one among us who will deny the truth of that statement. Peter told elders to tend the flock of God which is among you, exercising the oversight thereof, (I Peter 5:2.)

Paragraph Three.

So I believe that homes for the aged and orphans must be under the oversight of elders. Since ALL THE WORK OF A CHURCH IS UNDER THE OVERSIGHT OF ITS ELDERS, (Emp. mine J.A.D.) and since the care of the aged and orphans is a work of its elders. It is true that the church cannot take care of aged and orphans without some organization, orderly arrangement, of its forces. Neither can the church edify itself without orderly arrangement of its forces. But all the organization, essential to caring for aged and orphans is authorized in the command to do that work. If a home with a superintendent, matrons, cooks, etc., is necessary to carry out the command to care for the needy, all these things are authorized in the command to care for them. But the work, if done by the church, is to be under the supervision, oversight, of elders of the church. If this church work can be taken out from under the oversight of the elders, why cannot the work of edifying the church be taken from under the eldership? And the work of evangelization? Where would the matter end?

With above conclusions I agree, in fact I know of no one who would disagree. However let us take a look at his conclusions in the remainder of his article.

Benevolence Under Boards, Second Paragraph.

Next the work being done in these homes is not the work of any local church. If some one asks who is taking care of the orphans in Tipton Orphan Home, I can answer his question; I can say the church of the Lord in Tipton, ASSISTED BY MANY OTHER CHURCHES. (Emp. mine J.A.D.) But if some one asks me who is caring for the orphans in the Tennessee Orphans Home in Springhill, Tenn., can I say that any particular church is doing that work ? If I tell the truth, I will have to say that a board, assisted by churches of Christ, is doing it. Study this syllogism: 1. Elders oversee only that work which is within the frame work of the local church under their supervision. 2. Elders have no oversight of these homes under the control of self-perpetuating boards . 3. Therefore, homes under the self-perpetuating boards are not the work of any local churches.

But if some one says these homes are avenues through which the universal church takes care of the needy, I ask for the authority to activate the universal church. It was sinful in forming the missionary society, why is it now right to activate the universal church in forming a benevolent society ?

Now I would like for Bro. Lanier, or any one else, to study this syllogism; 1. Elders oversee ONLY that work which is within the framework of the local church under their supervision. 2. Elders have no oversight of these homes that have become a brotherhood project. 3. Therefore, homes that takes fifty or more churches to support is not the work of a local church. Bro. Lanier asks for the authority to activate the church universal to care for the needy in homes under boards. I ask for the authority to activate the church universal to care for the needy under elders of a local congregation. And yet that is what you have at Tipton, (ASSISTED BY MANY OTHER CHURCHES.) (Emp. Mine J.A.D.) Bro. Lanier believes it is right to activate the church universal to take care of the needy under elders, but wrong under a board.

I would like an answer to this question. Where is the authority for Elders of any local congregation to set up a work beyond their ability to perform, and ask the church universal to supply what they lack?

In fact a close study of the subject will disclose the only difference in a home that is a brotherhood project under Elders from a home under a board. Is, a home under a board, the board is composed as a rule by Elders from different congregations. Homes such as Tipton home have a self appointed board. Since Elders have no authority outside of the local congregation and the home in Tipton is an organization larger than the local church, you have Elders acting as a self appointed board. If it were mine to make a choice, I would choose a board composed of Elders from different congregations, rather than a self appointed board. For this is the freeway that leads to Rome and Catholicism.

But since there is no law giver, James: 4:12, and a man is not crowned except he strive lawfully, II Tim., 2:15, then I must reject both as unscriptural, anti-scriptural and contrary to the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Jude 3.