J. C. Choate, Box 33, Belzoni, Mississippi, May 14: "Record crowds turned out for the services yesterday. Our meeting will begin June 10."
Hoyt H. Houchen, 1403 Hicks, San Antonio, Texas, May 15: "Charles A. Holt of Franklin, Tennessee, did the preaching in a gospel meeting here at Highland in San Antonio, May 6-13. He did a splendid job of preaching and during the meeting four were baptized and two were identified with the congregation. On July 5th I am to begin my fourth year's work with this splendid church. When our way, visit us."
W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison, Clarksburg, West Virginia, May 10: "Since last report three have responded to the invitation — one for restoration at Alvy, West Virginia, and two for baptism at Washington Street, Fairmont, West Virginia. Due to a cancellation, I will have time for a ten-day meeting in July this year."
Ira B. Sandusky, 10858 Wagner St., Culver California, May 5: "Work at Culver Palms going along in good condition. We have had near records in attendance and offering the past month. Five baptisms the past two months and two transfers and two restorations. Begin mission meeting at Newberg, Oregon May 11. Church here is sending me up to help them in that work. Our Vacation Bible School is in June and Gospel Meeting in July. I have time for two meetings this year. If any congregation is interested in using me write at above address. I am enjoying reading the Guardian and the fine articles in it. We are facing many dangers in the church today that are very similar to those of a. hundred years ago. Fight the good fight of faith — keep up the good work."