Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 21, 1957


Robert P. Cooper, 605 Marrtown Road, Parkersburg, West Virginia, March 6: "Attendance at the Marrtown Road congregation is at an all time high. During the month of February we averaged 112 on Wednesday nights. We had 128 present this past Sunday night, and a full house in the morning. We have less than 100 members. Two were baptized and one restored the past week end, making a total of seven additions thus far in 1957. Prospects for growth are brighter than ever before. For all of this we thank God and take courage."

O. C. Lambert Tells The Truth About Catholics

Doyle Banta, 1309 - 9th Ave., S.E., Decatur, Alabama: "The following ad was read on TV, on radio, printed in papers and distributed in the Decatur area recently. 'You are cordially invited to hear O. C. Lambert of Winfield, Alabama, deliver a series of lectures on Roman Catholicism at the Somerville Road Church of Christ, February 18-22, 1415 Somerville Road, S.E., Decatur, Alabama. Lectures each evening at 7:30. Monday — THE FALLING AWAY AND RESTORATION. Tuesday — CATHOLIC LITERATURE — CONTINUOUS FORGERY FOR 1500 YEARS. Wednesday — CATHOLICISM, ENEMY OF THE BIBLE. Thursday — EXPLANATIONS OF CATHOLIC MORALS. Friday — CATHOLICISM, OUR GREATEST MENACE — AMERICA AWAKE! Mr. O. C. Lambert has made serious study of Roman Catholicism for years and his lectures will be well documented. A friendly welcome awaits you at these lectures.'

"The above ad created more interest in the city of Decatur than has come for some time. Brother Lambert spoke three nights on WMSL-TV, Channel 23, Decatur. Thousands heard him on the telecasts. Hundreds heard him at our building the five nights there.

"The success of these lectures can only be determined in eternity, but evidence at the present was most encouraging. After our ad appeared in the Decatur Daily, the paper received numbers of protests. The TV station received between 400 and 500 protests after Brother Lambert's first telecast. From the talk the brethren heard in the plants in this area, we know the Catholics were listening. One of the most encouraging things about the protesting was that the local TV station did not bow to Catholic pressure, but informed the Catholics they would not censor free speech and that the Catholics could buy equal time to reply. It would be fine if every one of you would write our station and newspaper and let them know that you appreciate their permitting freedom of speech and press. We feel that numbers of Catholics heard the truth and that hundreds and thousands of our brethren were warned against the dangers of Catholicism. We hope to see O. C. Lambert speak for several days on TV later on this year in Decatur and also again at some of the buildings.

"Brother O. C. Lambert uses wisdom in his lectures. He never quotes from a book that is not approved by the Catholic Church. He never quotes from an ex-Catholic or enemy of the Catholics. He never quotes from a book unless he owns the book and has it in his library. By using wisdom, the Catholics never try to arrest him, neither does it permit the newspaper or TV or radio stations to be in danger of being sued.

"Is this the best way to convert Catholics? If it is not the best, it certainly does get the job done. Brother Lambert has converted 200 that he knows of and perhaps there are hundreds of others who heard him speak and were taught further and then obeyed. If all he does is warn people of the dangers of Catholicism to our freedoms, then he has spent his time well.

"Brother Lambert has already written two books about Catholicism. His latest, CATHOLICISM AGAINST ITSELF. Every family should have one. Price is $4.00. He also printed 25,000 of his 31 page pamphlet, ROMAN CATHOLICISM UN-AMERICAN, which sells for $10.00 per 100 or 25c per single copy. Every congregation ought to order a few hundred and distribute. Recently his book, RULLELISM UNVEILED, has been reprinted and sells for $2.00. When you order his books you are permitting him to get into position to write at least two more volumes on Catholicism. Of course, you are helping yourself too. Why not order all of his books?

"It is my prayer that you will arrange for O. C. Lambert to speak many times. He is in good health and a very able speaker. If you can use his books or use him to lecture, then write to: O. C. Lambert, Winfield, Alabama. He will be a blessing to all who hear him."

Dickson-Rudd Debate

Lloyd Moyer, El Cerrito, California It was my good pleasure to moderate for Brother Randy Dickson in his debate with Don Rudd. The debate was held two nights in Bakersfield and two nights in Taft, California. Good crowds prevailed throughout. However, very few "Institutional, sponsoring-church" hobbyists attended. Even Rudd felt the effect of their absence. He referred to the brethren in that area who believed as he did about the issues but who would not debate nor attend, as "Hypocritical Devils."

Rudd's arguments were "sound," just pure, simple sound, nothing else. I mean by "sound," wholly noise. He resorted to his usual tactics of bluster, brag and misrepresentation; although he was not as nasty as usual.

Brother Dickson did a marvelous job in the debate despite the fact he had severe throat trouble. His arguments were simple, clear, scriptural and forcefully set forth. He conducted himself as a Christian gentleman even though circumstances were most trying. Any time anyone meets Rudd and is able to maintain a proper attitude and Christian conduct, they may pride themselves on having remained faithful through a most severe test.

Brother Dickson presented argument after argument that Rudd completely ignored. Randy pointed out that a congregation could get its money only two ways: 1) From its own members. 2) From a sister congregation when it was an object of charity. Rudd never denied this nor could he be persuaded to show another way.

Brother Dickson also showed that a congregation could spend its money in only two ways: 1) On its own work. 2) Give to a sister congregation when the congregation is an object of charity. Rudd could not deny this nor show another way.

Brother Dickson presented a large chart showing the Missionary Society and Orphan Home as being parallel. Rudd completely ignored this whole argument and chart.

Brethren are very happy with Brother Dickson's work. Much good has already come of this debate and I predict that it will hear fruit for years to come.