The Mission Of The Church
No institution can claim a just right to exist without a worthy mission. Every institution should be constantly aware of its mission and never lose sight of it.
When God sent Christ into the world, He was sent on a mission. That mission was to save the lost. Jesus came for that purpose and kept it in mind at all times. He worked the works of Him that sent Him. Christ selected some men, apostles, and sent them into the world on a mission. Their mission was to save the lost; "to turn sinners from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God."
It was under the mission of the apostles that the church was established, which was to remain in the world until Christ comes to claim it as His bride. The sole reason for the existence of the church in the world is to save the lost.
In order to save the lost, God employs no other power except the truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit (and that is through the word). There is no other agency through which he works than the members of the spiritual body of Christ. If the world is not saved from eternal destruction it will be because those appointed for that purpose are not fulfilling their mission. "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the HOUSE OF GOD, which is THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, the pillar and ground of the truth."
God has commissioned no other institution save the church to honor Him in bringing sons and daughters to glory, "Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end." (Eph. 3:21.) There is no place for any organization or system other than that given by God. During the early days of the church the most rapid growth the world has ever witnessed, blessed it. There were no organizations other than the church. Fired with the zeal planted in their hearts by Christ, men and women, went throughout the world proclaiming the glad tidings of the Christ. They loved the church. They loved its mission. They kept their mission in mind and thousands were added to them, until the whole world heard about the Christ.
When a people lose sight of their mission, they become a great burden upon the world. Surely there is no tragedy like that of the church losing sight of its mission. Any time the church becomes anything other than a soul saving institution, it has lost its only reason for existence and Christ withdraws his presence. All things necessary to saving souls are included in the commandment to "preach the gospel to every creature." Everything that is not necessary is excluded.
May the Lord help us as His sons and daughters, to keep His work in mind and fulfill the task appointed us. May we lift Him up by lifting up His institution, thus saving their souls from eternal ruin. There is no honor like that of being a member of the Lord's church. There is no mission greater than saving souls, and there is nothing that will bring more happiness here or will pay greater dividends hereafter.