Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
February 14, 1957
NUMBER 40, PAGE 8-9b

Reading The Bulletins

Charles A. Holt - P. O. Box 493 - Florence, Alabama

News From Here And There:

Ralph Stout has moved from Centerville, Tennessee, to work with the Valdosta church just out of Tuscumbia, Alabama . . . . Dudley Ross Spears is now working with the church meeting on Jere-Whitson Street in Cookeville, Tennessee . . . Gene Frost is leaving Las Cruces, New Mexico, where he has done a fine work. He is moving to Houston, Texas, to work with the Forrest Oak church .... Raymond Kelcy is now in Fort Worth laboring with the new church recently started by the West Berry congregation. Kelcy moved there from Tulsa .... Bryan Vinson is leaving the Norhill church in Houston to go to Tulsa and work with a congregation recently formed there. The new church is off to a splendid start and the prospects look bright . . . . Floyd Decker has moved from Monroe, Louisiana, to Tupelo, Mississippi . . . Luther Blackmon is no longer holding meetings "full time." He is now assisting the Red Bluff church in Pasadena, Texas . . . . Harry Pickup, Jr. is now living in Lafayette, Louisiana, where he is laboring with the church .... Denton Thompson moved from Lazbuddie, Texas, to Morton, Texas .... Correction Please: A few weeks ago, a clipping was carried in this column which was taken from the bulletin of the Irvington church in Indianapolis, Indiana. It had to do with some recreational activity seemingly conducted by one of the churches in the area. In giving the source of the article I listed Cecil Willis as the preacher for the Irvington church. If by this the impression was left that Brother Willis endorses such, then let this serve to correct such a false impression. He does not! Moreover. Brother Willis did not ask that this correction be made. but others thought such a false impression would he left. Certainly there is no desire to misrepresent anyone in anyway .... Hoyt Houchen has resigned as evangelist for the Highland church in San Antonio .... Please send all bulletins to me addressed as above . . . . After 41/2 years with the Calmont Avenue church in Fort Worth, Chester Hill is moving to Waco, where he will labor with the Herring Avenue congregation . . . . Jim Cannon has moved from the Center Street church in Owensboro, Kentucky, after six years there, to Mayfield, Kentucky . . . . Allen Phy will begin work with the Center Street church in Owensboro this month . . . . The churches of Christ in Waco, Texas, are now conducting a telecast over KWTX-TV, Channel 10, each Sunday afternoon from 1:30 - 2:00 . . . . "The Druid Hills church in Atlanta averaged $866.81 per Sunday in 1956. This is possibly the best average in the state (Georgia) among churches of Christ."

A Preacher's Application:

To the Elders Central Church of Christ

Itching Ears, Texas Dear Brethren:

I hear you are looking for a preacher, and I'd like to make my application for the job with a parody of Ruth 1:16-17. "Invite me to preach for thee, to follow after thee; For as thou understandeth, will I understand, as thou sayeth, will I say.

Thy friends will (automatically) be my friends, and whom thou disliketh will I dislike. Whom thou ostraciseth will I ostracize (after hearing both sides from you, of course). Wherein thou errest will I err; and when thou sayest, `Frog!' will I jump!

The Lord do so to me and more also, if ever I allow truth to part me and thee."

Yours for Peace

— Bulletin, Sciotoville, Ohio

Mid-Week Attendance:

Objectively looking at the mid-week as a service we note the following:

1. It, too, is a service dedicated to the cause of Jesus Christ. Should not we be interested in Christ's Cause, if we're Christians?

2. It is a period of worshipping God. Do not all Christians love to worship?

3. It is also a period of study. Do Christians dislike the study of God's word? Are we not commanded to study?

4. It is an assembly of the saints. I read that we are NOT to forsake our own assembling together. (Heb. 10:25.) Do Christians deliberately refuse to do so? Do they dislike Christian fellowship and association?

Serious thought on these things surely will indicate the RIGHT ATTITUDE that every true Christian will manifest when Christians assemble anytime to serve and worship God!

— L. Arnold Watson

How The Roman Hierarchy Intends To Capture America:

In order to take over this country, the papacy is striving desperately to enforce the following rules: (1) She is constantly pleading for a relaxation in our immigration laws, especially for Catholic countries. (2) The Roman church is quite vigilant in enforcing her strict marriage laws. Protestants marrying Catholics must sign an agreement that all children born into the family will be reared in the Catholic faith, even though one or both of the parents should die. Recently a superior court declared by the narrow margin of a five to four vote that such an agreement is not a legal contract. (3) It is a mortal sin for families to practice any means of birth control. Families must continue to bear as many children as they can, as long as they can. In this way the birth rate among the Romanists in this country is increasing much more rapidly than the birth rate among so-called `Protestants." (4) All Catholics must send their children to a Catholic school — starting with the kindergarten — if such a school is available at all. A failure to do this is a mortal sin. Thus, all children are indoctrinated in the "faith," so as to keep them Catholic. And, to cap it all off, the hierarchy is asking for free bus transportation for all children attending the parochial schools — more than 4,000,000 children. They are also asking for free hot lunches and free medical care for all of them — all at the expense of every taxpayer in the nation.

— By Frank J. Dunn

The Prayer Of Cyrus Brown

"The proper way for a man to pray,"

Said Deacon Lemeul Keyes,

"And the only proper attitude Is down upon his knees."

"No, I should say the way to pray,"

Said Preacher Doctor Wise,

"Is standing straight, with outstretched arms.

And rapt and tuned up eyes."

"Oh, no, no, no," said Elder Snow,

"Such posture is too proud;

A man should pray with eyes fast closed And head contritely bowed."

"It seems to me his hands should be Austerely clasped in front,

With both thumbs pointing toward the ground."

Said the Preacher Doctor Blunt.

"Las' year I fell in Hodkins well Headfirst," said Cyrus Brown,

"With both my heels a stickin' up, My head a-pintin' down."

"An' I made a prayer right then an' there Best prayer I ever said,

The prayin'est prayer I ever prayed, A-standin' on my head."

— Jack Frost, Jr., Newbern Admonisher.