Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 17, 1957


Paragould, Arkansas.

Another Report From Portales

The October 16th issue of the Firm Foundation, page 667, carries an article by brother Hulen Jackson entitled "A Later Report From Portales," in which he attempts to straighten out what he calls "false rumors" about the 4th Street congregation in Portales, New Mexico, and her preacher, Brother Grover Ross.

It just so happened that I was in a meeting with the University Drive congregation in Portales at the same time that Brother Jackson was with the 4th Street congregation. I have also just concluded four and one-half years of labors with the church in Morton, Texas; which is just about sixty miles from Portales, and I know that Brother Jackson either received a one-sided report of the affairs of the church in Portales or he did not report all the facts in the case. I do know that some of his friends of long standing attempted to tell him (in fact did tell him) some of the facts in the case, yet he very conveniently left that out of his report.

In paragraph two of his article he talks about 4th Street assuming the "sponsorship" of a Bible Chair and a children's home. Will Brother Jackson please give us the scriptures for a congregation "assuming the sponsorship" of anything. According to the apostle Peter, God "allotted" that over which the elders have "charge." (I Peter 5:2-3.) Brother Jackson, did God allot the Bible Chair and the children's home to 4th Street elders? If not, then what right do they have with them or the "sponsorship" of them?

In paragraphs two and three he talks about the charges that have been made against the 4th Street elders and her preacher, relative to pressure tactics and then emphatically denies that such tactics have been employed by them. Brother Jackson, just whom did you ask about these things? An abundance of proof can be presented to show that they have employed such tactics against smaller congregations, against preachers and especially against young preacher who are attending the Bible Chair which she "sponsors." One young preacher affirmed in the presence of witnesses that he had to give up any convictions he held against Herald of Truth and children's homes. The reason, 4th Street and her elders would see that he did not have a place to preach and that he must preach in order to finish his education. While at the same time another young man, rather than give up his convictions secured a job for both he and his wife that he might be able to finish his education. It is a well known fact among many of Portales that 4th Street elders and her preacher have "boycotted" places of business that refused to line up with them and have threatened others with the same type of thing. Maybe Brother Jackson does not call this type of thing "pressure," but the Catholics could not do worse in this Country.

When the faithful brethren in Morton, Texas, stopped their support to the home, Brother Ross came to Whiteface (12 miles from Morton) for a meeting. In spite of the fact that the Whiteface brethren had canceled a meeting on Brother Clyde Moore unless he would agree not to preach on these things, Brother Ross had a group of the children from the home sitting on the front seat one night and delivered a "tear jerking" address on their behalf. During the course of the address he ridiculed the church in Morton, accusing them of not believing in caring for "poor little homeless children." It would be interesting to know how many children are in the home that could possibly be the SCRIPTURAL charge of any congregation and how many if ANY are in reality the "charge" of 4th Street congregation.

The latest report tells of Brother Ross going to Morton and preaching for a "faction," a group that he is partly responsible for their existence. It would be quite interesting to hear Brother Ross explain his actions in this matter and at the same time successfully defend the actions of himself and the 4th Street elders toward University Drive congregation in Portales. He cannot do it and I hereby challenge him to show by the scriptures where their action is right in both instances. Will he do it or will he put forth his familiar cry "I believe in the autonomy of the local congregation."

In his last paragraph Brother Jackson talks about their "love for the truth" and their unwillingness to allow the "pet theories of some brethren as to method and policy to become law and Gospel." During his meeting with them Brother Jackson condemned the homes that are under a board of directors and received a public sanction for his stand. Brother Gayle Oler and others say that a board of directors is the way it should be and many agree that it is scriptural for them to be under a board of directors. Brother Jackson, were you preaching a "pet theory" when you said it must be under an eldership? Brother Jackson also advocated "direct support of the evangelist" and condemned the idea of one congregation trying to oversee the affairs or work of another congregation, to which we will agree and preach. Brother Ross and the 4th Street elders sanctioned him publicly in what he had said about this question, and according to Brother Jackson have asked him to return for another meeting. Yet, when I preached the same thing concerning the direct support of the evangelist in Morton, Texas, both he and the elders of 4th Street congregation accused me of preaching a false doctrine and dividing churches. Then Brother Ross goes over to Morton and preaches for a "faction" that claims to believe in "sponsoring church evangelism" and have secured a man to deny in public discussion with me that "direct support of the evangelist" is the Bible way.

I believe in all fairness to the readers of the "Firm Foundation" ( ?) that Brother Jackson should go back to Portales, make another survey, talk with some people other than the preacher, elders and members of the 4th Street congregation and then send in a corrected report. Will he do it? Brother Jackson, we patiently await your silence.

— Jesse W. Brookshire

Dallas, Texas December 18, 1956

To Whom It May Concern:

Brothers Charles Hodge and Frank Perigo have agreed to meet in honorable and Christian discussion on the following dates: February 25th, 26th, 28th, and March 1st. This debate will be conducted in the Ann Arbor Church of Christ building in Dallas, Texas.

The following propositions will be discussed:


The scriptures teach that one church may (has the right to) contribute to (send funds to, render assistance to) another church which has assumed (undertaken) the oversight of a work to which both churches sustained the same relationship before the assumption."

AFFIRM: Charles Hodge DENIAL: Frank Perigo Resolved,

The scriptures teach that one church may (has the right to) contribute to (send funds to, render assistance to) another church, only when the following conditions exist:

1. The receiving church must be in "want"; it must be an object of charity (either physical or spiritual).

2. The donation must be for a work that peculiarly is the work of the receiving church; for a work to which the receiving church sustains a relationship that no other church sustains."

AFFIRM: Frank Perigo DENIAL: Charles Hodge

It is to be further noted, that Brother Perigo will be in the affirmative on the following nights: February 25th and 26th. Brother Hodge will affirm his proposition on the nights of February 28th and March 1st.

— Charles HodgeLuther Blackmon, Box 142, Pasadena, Texas: "I'm now working with the Red Bluff congregation in Pasadena, Texas. This is a new congregation started by the Central church in Pasadena. The congregation numbers about 100 members — an average of 150 in Bible Study and about 200 in attendance at worship. Meeting temporarily in Parks Elementary School building in Pasadena."

Bill Echols, Box 483, Goliad, Texas, Dec. 1: "Our first two months in Goliad have rapidly and pleasantly passed. During November we conducted a meeting with the writer doing the preaching. There was one restoration. The church here is to support me in a meeting in Earn, North Dakota, next summer. Brethren, let us lift up our eyes and look to the mission fields in the north. I have time for other meetings next year."

Gary D. Swaim, 1702 Avenue `A', Del Rio, Texas, Nov. 28: "On October 18th I began work with the North Side Church of Christ in Del Rio. This is a fine congregation, small in number but large in spirit and truth. They have shown their desire to know God's will on all religious matters, and have manifested a willingness to work for the cause of Christ in this area. When passing through Del Rio, stop and visit with us; you are always welcome."

C. D. Plum, 4185 E. Main St., Columbus 13, Ohio, Dec. 20: "Two more baptized last night at Whitehall-Columbus 13, Ohio (Route 40)."

James L. Denison, Box 325, Agua Dulce, Texas, Dec. 18: "During the past week there has been one baptism and one restoration. Our contribution last Sunday is one of the highest we have had this year."

Flash!!! Porter-Woods Debate On Human Benevolent Organizations

Beginning on Tuesday night, January 29, to continue through Friday night, February 1, W. Curtis Porter will meet Guy N. Woods in a debate on the subject of HUMAN BENEVOLENT ORGANIZATIONS. The debate is to be conducted in the building of the church of Christ, Second and Walnut Streets, Paragould, Arkansas. The propositions are as follows:

1. It is in harmony with the Scriptures for churches to build and maintain Benevolent Organizations, such as are characteristic of Boles Home, Tipton Home, Southern Christian Home, and other Orphan Homes and Homes for the Aged that are among us, for the care of the needy.

Affirmative - Guy N. Woods Negative - W. Curtis Porter

2. It is contrary to the Scriptures for churches to build and maintain Benevolent Organizations, such as are characteristic of Boles Home, Tipton Home, Southern Christian Home, and other Orphan Homes and Homes for the Aged that are among us, for the care of the needy.

Affirmative - W. Curtis Porter Negative - Guy N. Woods For the convenience of those who wish to reserve places of lodging, a list of the better places in Paragould is here given:

Paragould Motel, 1008 W. Kings Highway, Cedar 2-7759.

Sunset Motel, Highway 25 West, Cedar 2-7631.

Gro-Villa Courts, Highway 25 East, Cedar 2-7964.

Vandervoort Hotel, Second Street at West Emerson, Cedar 2-7651.

Facilities for operating recording machines will be available.

Signed: Gus Eubanks Willard Pruett

C. L. Purdom Elders,

Second and Walnut Streets Church of Christ,