Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 10, 1957

The All-Sufficiency Of

Christ's Church

Pryde E. Hinton, Dora, Alabama Introduction:

(Read Ephesians 3)

I. Local, the only organized unit

A. Its officers B. How selected

C. How they "rule" — I Peter 5.

II. All-sufficient for benevolent work (Acts 11:28-30)

A. More efficient and economical

B. Only two Bible methods of doing benevolence:

1. Individually

2. Congregationally

C. What hinders?

1. Lack of leadership and objective (Acts 11:28-30)

2. Christians robbing God of glory in order to give through human organizations.

III. Church and Home only institutions for building character

A. Timothy, Mark, etc., received home training

B. Reason for present failure: lack of vision and enterprise among elders, deacons, Christians

C. Placing emphasis on human agencies for doing this work.

IV. Church all-sufficient in evangelism A. The Bible plan — Acts 1:8; 11:19-26, etc.

B. What hinders this plan?

1. Superfluous human agencies 2. Lack of initiative, faith, and sacrifice. Conclusion:

God's church is "all-sufficient" for every work God wants it to do.