Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 20, 1956

Patton's Article In The "Special"

F. Y. T.

More than four months have now passed since the "Special Issue" of the Gospel Guardian came from the presses. Copies of this issue have gone into every state of the union, into Canada, Mexico, Alaska, and every "mission" field of the world where gospel preachers are laboring. Response to this endeavor has been highly gratifying. We believe scores of thousands of Christians have read the magazine; we are certain its effect will be felt for months and years to come. We have had commendations from every quarter — as well as some five or six letters of condemnation, and information of two or three others who took exception to the paper. Brother E. J. Bonner, of Potter Orphan Home, has written that he considers the issue "inferior literature," and wants to protect his children against such influences; he asks that no more issues of the paper come to him. An obscene and vulgar letter comes from Brother Ernest M. Jordan of Murfreesboro, who we have been informed is on the Board of Directors of Tennessee Orphan Home. Brother Jordan is unrestrained in his vituperation against what he calls "This poisoned rubbish of opinions," and relates certain of his toilet habits which are unprintable. Brother Cleon Lyles, preacher for a church in Little Rock, writes in his bulletin that the "Special" sets forth the fact that the brethren who wrote it are "not agreed" on everything. And we have heard of one brother in New Mexico who announced that he had burned fifty copies that had come to the church there because they were "filled with opinions and not with scripture."

On the other side of the ledger, we have received commendations from hundreds of gospel preachers, godly elders, Bible school teachers, earnest students of the Bible in every part of the world. They are more than generous in their -expressions of appreciation for the labor, effort. and prodigious amount of time and study that lay behind the "Special Issue." Many who had been "on the fence," and studying the question felt that this issue was of tremendous help to them in arriving at the truth of God's word. One article that was particularly helpful to many was the article on "How To Establish Scriptural Authority" by Brother Marshall E. Patton of Birmingham, Alabama.

Bible Authority

Because so very many mentioned the Patton article in their letters, some commending it, others asking for further elucidation and development of certain points in it, and because it is so fully evident now that this whole present day fight is turning on the question of "authority," we have asked Brother Patton to elaborate on certain points in his article, giving a more extended treatment to them, and we re-publish the full material in this issue. Read this article carefully.

Here is the crucial point of present controversies — whether in the realm of benevolence, evangelistic cooperatives, or church organization. Brother Patton has put his finger on the vital point, the battlefield on whichpresent controversies must be fought out, and where a final solution of current problems must take place. What is the meaning of "authority"? Where do "expediencies" come in? Where shall we make the differentiation between "general" and "specific" authority? And how and to what extent are "approved examples" to be regarded as giving specific authority? These are the matters to be determined; these are the questions to be answered. Patton's article, carefully analyzed and applied, will go a long, long way toward resolving these problems in any honest heart. Limitations of space in that first article prevented the treatment the subject demanded; but here there is full room given, and the article can be read and studied with all points fully explained.

Does any reader feel that Patton's presentation is in error? If so, we would welcome a review from you. The truth is our interest; if Patton has not set it forth, we desire that someone else do so. Your review of it will be printed in full.

— F. Y. T.

"God Has Spoken"

"God Has Spoken" is the name of an excellent little booklet by Brother W. O. Flatt of Fort Worth, Texas, dealing with current issues before the churches. Brother Flatt is not a preacher, and writes from the point of view of the average member of the church rather than from that of a preacher. His book, therefore, will have special and particular interest for all those thousands of sincere members throughout the land who are interested only in what God's Word teaches. Brother Flatt is not trying to review anybody particularly, or trying to advance or promote any idea or theory of his own. He desires only to set forth Bible truth on certain present day problems.

Many who have read the booklet declare they have learned more from it than they have learned from all that has been written in all the papers. The booklet might well be entitled "As An Average Member Sees The Current Problems." Such things as Herald of Truth" institutional orphan homes, and centralized evangelistic arrangements are studied in the light of Bible teaching. This material is excellent, easy to read, easy to understand — and true to the Book! (See advertisement on back page.)