Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 30, 1955


James R. Cope

Preachers And Bible Teachers

Andy de Klerk has been at FCC nearly three years. He came to us from Pretoria, South Africa. Before becoming a Christian Andy had become an expert display artist. Since coming to America he has continued this work. Andy has a keen mind and has done unusually well in his studies. He has been preaching ever since he came to FCC and has recently prepared one of the neatest and most unique books of sermon charts, diagrams, and outlines I have ever seen. This book sells for $1.10 (includes prepaid postage anywhere in the USA). Every dime received by Andy for this book above actual production cost will go into the work he hopes to do upon his return to South Africa. He wants to have enough money on hand before leaving America to purchase land upon which to pitch a tent and later build a meeting house. This is another case of Paul making tents to aid himself to do the Lord's work: I especially urge preachers and Bible class teachers to order this book from:

Andy de Klerk Florida Christian College Temple Terrace Tampa 4, Florida

You will get many times your money's worth and will be helping one of the finest Christian men I have ever known to preach the gospel upon returning to his own people.