Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 2, 1955


James O. Wilburn, Box 11, Gruver, Texas, May 12: "Our meeting with R. Paul Smith preaching and Clyde Barber directing the singing closed last night at the waters edge. Both men did their work well. Three were baptized during the meeting. We begin vacation Bible school May 23rd."

T. D. Boston, Sr., 806 E. Pecan St., Victoria, Tex.: "The work at North and DeLeon still continues pleasant and prosperous. A mother was baptized Sunday night. Our meeting, with Tex Stevens of Bloomington preaching, is in progress. We look for further additions as a result of personal work and good Bible teaching."

M. C. Cuthbertson, P.O. Box 6391, Speedway Brach, Tucson, Arizona, May 18: "Last Lord's day brought to a close our work with Culver Palms Church. A new all-time record attendance, with many friends from various churches. A family of four identified themselves with the church. It is with much regret we leave here, but we look forward to renewal for fine work with Country Club Rd. Church, 145 N. Country Club Rd., Tucson, Arizona. We begin a meeting Wednesday evening, the 18th with Redlands, California. June 1st we take up the work in Tucson, the Lord willing."

Ralph R. Givens, Box 484, Lewisville, Texas: "Brother Oscar Ellison will be with us in a meeting June 13 through 22. If you have an opportunity to worship with us you will find the church building on Main Street two and one half blocks west of the stop light."

Joe II. Morris, 2707 Ky Ave., Paducah, Ky., May 19: "The meeting with Bosley Road church in Owensboro, Ky. closed last night with fine interest. One was baptized. Brethren throughout the region supported the meeting well. Chas. Arnett and Julian do good work there. Bro. J. P. Ashby did excellent work in directing the songs. The Clements St. work goes well. Jno T. Smithson Jr., and W. T. Winn will begin our meeting June 5th for ten days. Come and be with us if you are in reach."

Robert II. Bell, 5721 Michael St., San Diego 5, Calif.: "Since moving into our new location-4790 Seminole Dr. in the College District, the first of February, seventeen have been added to our membership. We lost something like twenty-five or thirty members when we moved from the old location-18th and G Street. I began my fourth year with this congregation the first of May, and the work is in it's best condition of any time during the three years I have been with it. Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled from June 20th-July 1st. Bro. Foy E. Wallace, Jr. is to begin a meeting on special themes July 17th. From May 1-11 I was with the church in Tehachapi, California in a meeting in which four were baptized and one restored. This was the fifth meeting in which I have had part with this church. The work here at home was carried on by home forces — one was baptized by J. W. Middleton, Jr., while I was away."

John Bullock, 1900 Turtle Creek Drive, Marshall, Texas, May 18: "Last Lord's day one was baptized one restored, and one identified. We go to the Hill Street Church of Christ in Farmersville on June 6th to work with Bro. W. L. Baze and the church there in their Vacation Bible School, and in conjunction with it we will conduct music classes in the evening. We return the second time with these fine people to work in the same capacity. We enjoyed the work with them last year and anticipate the same this year. When you are in Marshall, worship with us at the South Washington congregation."

Marshall Conner, Box 486, Water Valley, Miss.: "I have time for a meeting in July. If anyone is in need of a preacher contact me at the above address."

W. E. Fortney, 162 Harrison St., Clarksburg, W. Va., May 15: "Just closed a good meeting with the little congregation at Fairview, Ohio. The interest was exceptionally good. The meeting should have continued longer. One, a former Baptist, obeyed the Lord in baptism.

W. D. Black, Box 182, Evant, Texas, May 29: "The work at Copperas Cove is progressing nicely. Since last report four have been identified with the congregation. Interest, attendance, and contribution holding up fine. Brother Dennis Kellogg of Seagoville, Texas is to be with us in a meeting, beginning on Friday night, June 3rd to close on Sunday afternoon June 12. Brother Kellogg is well known in this area and we are looking forward with pleasure to the meeting. We hope for a good attendance. All in reach of Copperas Cove are cordially invited to attend. Preaching at 8:00 P.M. each night and 11:00 A.M. each Sunday."

Foy W. Vinson, Decatur, Texas, May 14: "I began work with the church in Decatur the first Sunday in March. Previous to that time I preached for the church in Sunray, Texas. Last Sunday morning we had a most unusual experience. A colored man attended the service and at the conclusion of the lesson responded to the gospel and was baptized. Plans are now being made to begin a work for the colored this summer. Thirteen have been baptized in the past month and a half and all is going well."

Leslie Diestelkamp, 3700 Forest, Brookfield, Illinois: "On April 27 I closed a meeting with the good church at Granite City, Illinois. Paul Brown is the efficient local preacher and he and the church are doing good work. Joe Malone close a meeting with Brookfield church last night, with one baptism and two placing membership (three others were immersed shortly before the meeting). Nineteen Chicagoland churches were represented in our large audiences. Brother Malone's strong preaching will have a lasting effect for good in this whole area, we believe."

Thomas Shropshire, Box 153, Ranger, Texas, May 16: "Prospects look good for the future of the Lord's work in the church which meets at 225 South Rush in Ranger. Some time ago lots were purchased on the corner of Strawn Road and Young on which we plan to erect a building. We have just closed a meeting which was held in the open air on the building site. H. I. Taylor of Austin did the very fine gospel preaching in the meeting and made a very good impression on the people of the neighborhood where the congregation will meet when the building is erected. We plan to have another meeting on the Young Street location in the early fall with H. Osby Weaver of Brady, Texas doing the preaching."

James P. Miller, 610 E. North Street, Tampa 4, Florida, May 16: "Four were baptized at Seminole Heights in Tampa Sunday, May 15. My meeting at Hopkinsville, Kentucky (May 1-8) resulted in fourteen responses. Charles L. Houser is in his fourth year at Hopkinsville, and is loved by all. They are making plans for a second congregation in this fine western Kentucky city."