C. D. Crouch, Box 25, Baxterville, Mississippi, Feb. 27: "The work at Baxterville moves along without too much discouragement. The church is 'small' in numbers, but composed of some of the Lord's most faithful. If a preacher is to be kept on the ground after mid-summer, some financial assistance must be had from brethren elsewhere. I have some time I could arrange for meetings with other churches in the summer, and I shall be glad to hear from any church that may need my help in such capacity. I have arranged to be in a series of meetings the latter part of August with the congregation where I made my first effort to preach a sermon. I'll be in that meeting on the 50th anniversary of that attempt. I have preached over the radio at Columbia, Mississippi, five days each week, Monday through Friday, for the past six months. It appears likely right now that we shall discontinue that work at the end of March. If some church could furnish us fifteen dollars per week. this broadcast could be continued. The cost is only $3.75 for fifteen minutes, and while it is only a 250 watt powered station, the cost seems to be only nominal. And there is a church at Columbia with only seven members who own a nice small building. If some church wants to help build up the church in a community where the church is not well known, $100.00 per week could be used at Columbia to good advantage."
Wm. S. Irvine, Bellflower, California, March 8: "Work at Rose Avenue church continues to go along nicely. Brother Curtis Porter is to be our evangelist for our spring meeting, May 6th through the 16th. God willing, I will begin a meeting with the church in Quartz Hill, California on March 19th."
Ward Hogland, 1900 Jenny Lind, Fort Smith, Arkansas, March 11: "My first meeting of this year will be with the Southwest church in Ada, Oklahoma. Mack Lynch preaches for this congregation. This meeting will begin March 19th. I go from Ada to Saratoga, Arkansas for a meeting beginning April 16th. Mason Harris preaches for this congregation. Attendance here at Park Hill is on the increase. I will begin my ninth year with this good church this fall."
R. C. Copeland, Jr., P. O. Box 416, Spur, Texas, March 3: "March 26th will be Brother C. R. Nichol's 80th birthday. I suggest that we show our respect and love for this grand soldier of the Cross by sending cards, letters, and gifts. Let him know that we do appreciate the great work he has been doing for the past 65 years. His address is Clifton, Texas."
Edgar J. Dye, P. O. Box 11, Cardwell, Missouri, March 6: "A new congregation (North Main Street Church of Christ) in Rector, Arkansas is off to a good start. Brother W. Curtis Porter and I have been preaching for this congregation on Sunday afternoon since its beginning, because they are in need of a preacher but are unable to support him full time. Any congregation desiring to support a man in a place where he is really needed and where brethren deserve a helping hand would do well to investigate this work. From February 27-March 2 they engaged Brother Porter for a meeting. Much and lasting good was done. Brother Porter dealt with the problems facing the church today. His subjects were as follows: (I) The All-Sufficiency of the Church, (2) Congregational Cooperation, (3) When Do Patterns Become Binding?, (4) '"Our" Benevolent Organizations, (5) Law and Expediency. These subjects were dealt with in Brother Porter's usual manner. A thorough investigation was made of each subject and it was clearly shown what the scriptures teach. Brother Porter doesn't need my commendation, as well known as he is, but I do want to say that any congregation would be profited greatly should they engage him in such a lecture. The sermon on "Our Benevolent Organizations" is outstanding. It's the most thorough investigation of the subject that I have read or heard preached. In this study one will not fail to see the parallel between the missionary society and 'Our Benevolent Organizations.' Studies like this will do much to promote unity among brethren which we need badly in these critical times."
Worship Services At Naval Training Center
Elbridge B. Linn, San Diego, California We are eager for brethren to know that for several months services of worship and preaching according to New Testament teaching have been conducted on Lord's days at the United States Training Center at San Diego, California. This means that young men in "boot camp" can worship as the Lord has taught, and need no longer anticipate the dreary prospect of being confined to the station for several weeks and denied the privilege of "breaking bread" with the saints.
Brethren Theo Buselmeier and Dwight Rouse have done most of the preaching, although others have spoken at times. When the senior naval chaplain here granted permission for the meetings to be held, it was also stipulated that navy personnel should conduct them. We here are happy that there are brethren qualified to do this. Brethren Buselmeier and Rouse are capable speakers and song leaders, and have been used in both capacities here at the El Cajon Boulevard congregation.
The service is announced at Sunday morning muster and also in a little leaflet published by the Naval Training Center at San Diego, entitled "Information Bulletin For Protestant Recruits." The service is on Lord's days at 8:30 a.m. in building 331. Because of duty regulations only a few of the men are able to attend services of congregations in the city. Some are in attendance at El Cajon Boulevard congregation most of the time.
Meetings will average close to 200 in attendance. The largest number present to date was 239. Several Naval men have been baptized, or restored to the Lord. One can easily understand what great opportunities in preaching to the lost are afforded when about three out of every four persons who attend are not members of the church.
Young people from this congregation have attended the services at the center and encouraged the work. The elders of the El Cajon Boulevard congregation have encouraged the work in various ways and expect to be helpful in whatever way possible.
Wouldn't it be a fine thing for brethren who are advanced Navy personnel, capable of directing worship services, to request duty on the training center here. A great opportunity for advancing the cause of Christ is herein afforded. Likewise, we pray that similar meetings may be held at like government installations.
Glenn L. Shaver, 6243 Delaware Ave., Hammond, Indiana, March 6: "Since the first of the year, two have been baptized (one a Baptist and the other my only son), two have returned to their first love — restored, and seven have placed membership with this congregation. During January and February the attendance averaged 208, with a record one Sunday of 265 present for morning worship. The contribution averaged $267.35, with $312.82 given one Sunday. For the past three Lord's days, the attendance has averaged 251 and the contribution about $275.00. Our building is overflowing at the morning services. Until last July (1955) the church was meeting in the basement, but at that time they moved into their new auditorium. I began work with them at that time. It looks like we will have to have two services before summer, if we continue growing. God is blessing our labors as we work together in His kingdom. The brethren have a mind to work and are doing a great amount of personal work from house to house.
In June, I will be with the churches at Warren and St. Joe, Arkansas for meetings. The brethren here have asked me to stay another year."