College Church Of Christ, Paris, Texas
Ed Grantham, Paris, Texas After one full year of work and worship, the College Church of Christ is just now in a position to move forward in rapid strides. Much has been accomplished in this year.
To begin with, the College Church of Christ is four teen months old. The first time we met for worship was November 14, 1954. We started with sixty-two members; we now have more than eighty-five. During this first year's activities we saw eighteen conversions. Of these eighteen conversions, twelve were baptized and six were restored from sin.
The College Church is now fully organized. Five bishops were selected and appointed to serve the church; four deacons were selected and appointed to serve under the bishops. The church is supporting one full-time evangelist, Ed Grantham.
The evangelist serving the College church started a daily radio program over KFTV with the first broadcast May 30, 1955. This program is heard at 8:15 every day except Sunday (8:15 a.m.). This program is supported by individuals and a few congregations in the Paris area and in the listening radius of KFTV. All contributions are sent directly to Ed Grantham, evangelist and speaker on the program, and he takes care of all the oversight of the work.
In connection with this radio program, the Gospel of Christ Broadcast, a free Bible correspondence course is offered to all those interested in taking it. (This course is paid for by the West Paris Church of Christ.) Through January 16, 1966, over sixteen hundred are enrolled in the correspondence course and are studying the Bible systematically in their own homes. Several have already obeyed the gospel as a result of this course. We have a mailing list and have mailed out literally hundreds of pieces of material used on the program. Through the first thirty-three weeks of broadcasting, we have received over a thousand cards and letters from our listeners. (This is only a 500 watt station.) We have a young lady, a student at Paris Junior College, who spends from ten to fifteen hours per week taking care of the correspondence course and the mail received. From fifty to over one hundred are writing in each week to enroll in the course offered.
During the first year, the College church conducted three gospel meetings, one Men's Training Class, and a Ladies' Bible Class, other than the regular services of Bible classes on Sunday morning and the regular worship periods on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and on Wednesday night. We plan two gospel meetings in 1956 and we begin a Men's Training Class this week. The first meeting will be in April with Andrew Conally of Hurst, Texas doing the preaching.
A new auditorium is being planned and we hope to see these plans completed by the end of 1956.
We have a challenging budget before the church of $275 per Sunday. This calls for over three dollars per member per week.
During the first year, contributions averaged over $235 per week and thus far in 1956 nearly $240 per Sunday has been given. With increased membership, zeal, interest, and contributions, the bishops of this friendly, growing church are planning great things for the future.
Correspondence Course Published
Mack Kercheville, P. O. Box 3487, El Paso, Texas: "Special contributions this month made possible the purchase of sufficient paper that for the first time we can announce this course for widespread distribution. This is a 12 lesson course, simple enough for anyone who can read Spanish, yet interesting enough to hold the attention of adults. The lessons deal with such themes as: How to Study the Bible, Rightly Dividing the Scriptures, Importance of Bible Study, How to Find Texts You Are Looking For, The Plan of Salvation, Why We Need Salvation, Moral and Spiritual Laws of God For Us Today, New Testament Worship, Organization of the New Testament Church, The Identity of the True Church. For individuals taking the course there is no charge. For brethren who wish quantities of these lessons for distribution in their own work, and who wish to share the cost of publication, we suggest $0.50 per 12 lessons. This way one could order the complete lesson for $0.50 or 12 copies of any one lesson for the same price. Send all orders to: LECCIONES BIBLICAS, 59 Luna St., El Paso, Texas."
Debate At Lexington, Kentucky
Robert Farish Brother Curtis Porter will meet Julian Hunt in a six nights debate beginning March 26, 1956. The subjects for discussion will be the "music question and the name of the New Testament church." The first four nights will be devoted to the music in worship. The last two nights on the name. The proposition which Mr. Hunt is affirming on the name is, "Resolved, that 'Christian' is the name of the New Testament church."
Due to other activities in the city, hotels will probably be crowded. Those planning to attend should write to the hotels or motels for reservations. The Phoenix Hotel, Kentuckian Hotel, Lafayette Hotel, Stables Motel, Town House Motel, Springs Motel are some of the places where rooms may be secured. We regret our inability to provide for all our visitors in our homes. Our hospitality is limited by our means not by our wishes.
Richard Dewhirst, 116 E. Judson Ave., Youngstown 7, Ohio, Feb. 7: "On February 5, 1956 we began a series of radio programs over station WBBW here in Youngstown. The program will be heard each Sunday night from 9:00 until 9:15, at 1240 on the dial. We are calling the program 'The Bible Teaches' and are inviting questions from everyone who may wish to send one in. This program is being made possible by the Brown Street Church of Christ in Akron, who are also supporting me and my family. Brown Street is to be commended for the support they have given needy congregations in this and surrounding areas. The church here has only 26 members but for the most part makes up in faith what it lacks in numbers. If you know someone in this area that we might not know, write them about the program. If there are some you know whom we could contact, write to me."
Mack Kercheville, Box 3487, El Paso, Texas, Feb. 15: "We still lack $50 of the $300 per month salary needed for Brother Alfred E. (Gene) Wilson, who is working with me in the Spanish speaking work here in the El Paso area. Regular monthly contributions to make up this lack are needed very much. In the meantime, any special contributions to the work here would help tide us over until the regular support is raised. Please send all contributions and correspondence to us at Box 3487, El Paso, Texas. We will be happy to give more information upon request."
R. C. Copeland, Jr., P. O. Box 416, Spur, Texas, Feb. 14: "Ernest A. Finley of Carlsbad, New Mexico, is scheduled to begin 10 days meeting here March 5th. The Manhattan work in New York is in the budget for $600 this year. We hope other able congregations will respond to this great opportunity of preaching the gospel in New York. The church here will support me in two mission meetings this year. Interested congregations or persons are invited to respond quickly so that our schedule and program may be completed for 1956."
Eugene Britnell, Box 83, Tuckerman, Arkansas, Feb. 23: "February 6-14 I preached in a meeting at St. Charles, Missouri. The church there began meeting about eighteen months ago with around 20 members and now have near 50. They had a record attendance of 92 during the meeting. One would never hope to find a group more zealous and devoted to the cause of Christ. That is a town of nearly 20,000 people, and that was the first gospel meeting. Brother Jack Duncan is preaching for them. He is doing a wonderful work and standing firm for the truth. Three fine people were baptized, uniting three families, and many others heard the truth for the first time for they had never attended a service of the church. We pray that our efforts together will continue to bear fruit."
J. P. Lusby, Amarillo, Texas, Feb. 20: "The Pleasant Valley church began November 6, 1949, with forty three members. Contribution that first Lord's day was $94.00. Seating capacity of the meeting house was one hundred fifty. The San Jacinto church (of Amarillo) started this work. By July 1, 1950, the Pleasant Valley church was self-supporting. January 1, 1951 a new auditorium with a seating capacity of three hundred was completed, with the original structure being converted into class rooms. We are presently supporting two preachers full time — one here and one at Medicine Lodge, Kansas. We paid off a note for the Medicine Lodge church last year to prevent their losing their building. We have supported one meeting at Medicine Lodge, two at Clinton, Missouri, and plan to support another at Medicine Lodge some time this year. Present membership numbers approximately one hundred ninety-three. This figure shall be depleted by thirteen families when the new congregation begins next Lord's day. We have the following men booked for meetings: James W. Adams, March 28-April 8, 1956; Wallace W. Thompson, July 25-August 6, 1956; Hoyt H. Houchen, April, 1957; Roy E. Cogdill, July 31-August 11, 1957." Pray for us."
An Urgent Need
The church at Brantford, Ontario is about three years old. There is a membership of 13 with an attendance on Sunday morning of about 20 to 25. Brother John Fant, who previously preached for the church at Belle, West Virginia, now preaches for the church at Brantford.
When Brother Fant was at Belle, he was promised full support for him and his family if he would move to Brantford, Ontario and work in this needy field. In September, 1954, the Pants arrived at Brantford, a city of over 50,000 people.
The church at Edna, Texas sent this writer to Brantford to hold a two and one-half weeks meeting. During this period, I was able to see the great need of interesting more of our brethren in this part of the world. Anyone who has visited there knows of the problems these brethren are faced with.
Last November, Brother Fant received a letter from the elders of the church who had promised him support. They informed him they were giving him about two weeks notice of their withdrawal of his support. Since December 15, 1955, the Fants have received $200, made up by the 13 who worship at Brantford. He is now working as a salesman for an irrigation firm. In his last letter to me, he said, "So far it has not paid off." But he has the determination to stay there.
Brethren, Brother Fant is deserving of support so he can devote his full time in the Lord's work. It is hard enough to interest men to go into the fields where so much work is needed and when they do go, we shouldn't "let them down." John loves the church and he has made a sacrifice in attempting to stay in Brantford. If you can assist in the support of Brother and Sister John Fant, please communicate with him at 12 Allenby Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
The Church In Delecias, Chihuahua, Mexico
The above picture is of the building that was completed the latter part of 1955 in Delecias, Chihuahua, Mexico. Brother Juan Garcia who preaches for the congregation there is pictured in the center. Brother Garcia is largely responsible for the establishment of the church of our Lord in this city of over 25,000 people, located in one of the irrigation districts in Old Mexico. He was living near there and employed by the Mexican government when he decided to start preaching in that city.
In 1951 a member of the congregation here made a trip into Mexico while on vacation. He returned home with a zeal to do something to help spread the gospel of Christ in Mexico and the congregation started sending $50.00 to Brother Garcia to help him in his work. In 1953 the congregation in Morton realized the necessity for a building in Delecias and started to working and planning to that end. In late 1%4, we purchased a lot for the building, located just five blocks from the heart of town and on one of the farm highways. Through the efforts of Brother Mack Kercheville, the W. A. Birchfield estate agreed to supply $2,000.00 to the building and the congregation in Morton agreed to furnish the remainder. The cost of the building ran around $8,000.00 (U. S. currency) with the brethren there supplying much of the labor that went into construction.
The building has a seating capacity of 175, with four class rooms, two rest rooms and baptistry. The lots are large enough to allow enlarging the building and enough space for a preacher's home.
The congregation now numbers about 40 members, with two or more congregations having been established as a result of Brother Garcia's efforts. The church in Morton sends $75.00 each month to Brother Garcia and to the best of our knowledge three or four other congregations send small amounts to him. Since we are not a sponsoring church I am not sure how much he gets, but am sure he is not getting rich.
M. A. Mansur, 1405 Richardson, Columbia, Missouri, Jan. 15: "We just recently concluded a most profitable and interesting gospel meeting with the Church of Christ in Winslow, Arizona. The fellowship and hospitality of these Christians was surely wonderful. When traveling through Arizona stop and worship with them, you will find a very warm welcome. We also preached for the fine church at Safford, Arizona on a Wednesday night; and we can say the same fine things about these friendly Christians at Safford."