Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
March 1, 1956

Miscellaneous Notes


We call your attention to the back page this week — the advertisement about "Ancient Landmarks." So far as we know, this is the only paper of its kind available to the churches on the individual mailing plan. It is a highly useful and satisfactory arrangement: Congregations can have this fine monthly journal mailed to every person on their prospect list for the nominal sum of $6.50 per month for each 100 names. Under the terms of our mailing permit every single paper sent out is either delivered or returned to us. We then bill the church at the end of each month for exactly the number of papers delivered, no more.

When a congregation sends out as many as 500 papers per month (several do), we can give the entire back page of the paper to an ad for the local congregation at no extra charge. Full particulars will be sent on request. Write us.

McGarvey's "Chapel Talks" are now ready for mailing. This is the final work of the great scholar's life so far as we know. Brother McGarvey had apparently intended himself to publish this material, as the manuscripts are corrected and revised in his own penmanship. But death cut short his purpose. For more than forty years the material went unnoticed, and practically unknown. It was moved about a few times, finally coming to rest in the Bosworth Memorial Library of The College Of The Bible at Lexington in an old box with various other odds and ends of literary scraps and leavings. Here Mr. Roscoe M. Pierson, Librarian of the Bosworth Memorial Library, found the manuscripts, recognized both their intrinsic and their historical value, and rescued them from oblivion. We are happy, with his help, to make these chapel talks available to the reading public. Price of the beautifully bound book is $1.50.

Brother Cecil Douthitt has finally abandoned hopes of getting Roy Lanier, E. R. Harper, Thomas B. Warren, or any other of the "centralized control" brethren to meet him in debate at San Antonio. The elders of Highland Boulevard have, therefore, written Brother E. R. Harper telling him the way is now open for the debate between him and the editor of this journal. Both are invited to the Highland Boulevard congregation for the discussion, to which they agreed in Abilene. Letters are now being exchanged, and as quickly as definite agreement can be reached as to time for the discussion, announcements will be made.

Vacation Bible School time will be here almost before you know it. We are happy to have once again the entire line of the new material prepared by Marian White. Her VBS literature has proved perhaps the most popular and most widely used of any literature ever employed by Churches of Christ in schools of this kind. This is our third year to handle it; and we are anticipating a greater demand for it than ever. Churches which used her literature last year will want to order again the new series for1956, which will be on the theme, "Joseph The Forgiving Brother." An entire series of graded booklets (from nursery through high school) with work-books, tests, charts, drills, and all the other features that have made the Marian White series so popular will be available. Each grade level has a "Teacher's Manual" with full lesson plans for each lesson.

If your congregation has never had a Vacation Bible School, this is the year to start one. We have full instructions in the book "Planning A Vacation Bible School" for only $1.00; and we will be happy to send you a sample kit of the Marian White series, which can be returned for credit if desired. The secret of success in any venture of this sort is careful planning and preparation in advance. It is only about ninety days now until thousands of children will be in these Vacation Bible Schools. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach the Bible. Don't miss it! Let us help you get what you need to have the very best school possible.

The "Tant-Harper Debate" is now in process of being' printed. It will sell for $3.75 when it comes from the press, but until that time it can be had for only $3.00. Every mail continues to bring in orders for it. This is a verbatim report of the discussion held last November 20-December 1 in Abilene, Texas. It also includes the editor's outline or "brief" of his arguments, in the little booklet entitled "How New Testament Churches Can, And Can Not Cooperate; Or, What is Wrong With The Herald Of Truth?" You can save money by ordering the book now!

The "Special Issue" of the Gospel Guardian, planned for the first week in May is rapidly taking shape. With such men as Cecil B. Douthitt, C. D. Plum, Marshall E. Patton, Bryan Vinson, W. Curtis Porter, and a host of others preparing material, we can look forward to a truly great issue. It is a supreme effort on the part of several thousands of us (writers, and friends who are helping in the financing and distribution of the issue) to promote UNITY among the Lord's churches. Will you help? Why not send the paper to a dozen friends? or a hundred? or a thousand? (Some individuals are sending to as many as 2,000 people!) Price, fifteen cents per copy.

— F. Y. T.