Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
May 19, 1955

The Debate At Lufkin

From April 11th through 14th, Brother E. R. Harper and Brother F. Yater Tant met in a debate in Lufkin, Texas. As was announced the first two nights were devoted to the proposition, "The church of Christ, South 5th and Highland, Abilene, Texas, is scriptural in organization, and in her teaching and practice of congregational, church, cooperation." Affirmed by Brother Harper. Denied by Brother Tant.

The last two nights were given to the proposition that, "The Gospel Guardian, with her associate organizations, or companies is scriptural in design (purpose), teaching, and practice. Affirmed by Brother Tant and denied by Brother Harper.

Due to the number present perhaps four hundred more or less it was necessary to use the American Legion building every night except the last. The Legion required the use of their building for that evening. At this time the meeting was held in the Timberland congregation building.

For the most part the audience was composed of preaching brethren. All ages were represented. Quite a few traveled hundreds of miles to be present and tape recordings were made by many.

Brethren in some places were apprehensive of the conduct and outcome of the debate. This is a little difficult to understand since it was to be conducted between brethren. It is true both speakers were firm in their presentation of arguments but surely there can be no criticism on this score.

When the time comes for the debate at Highland in Abilene (June 20-23), we of the Highland congregation will do our best to equal the fine fellowship and hospitality extended to us in Lufkin. To all the brethren we say "thanks" and invite everyone who possibly can to attend the meetings in Abilene.

Should anyone wish assistance in finding a place to stay simply address your request to the Highland Church of Christ, Box 1858, Abilene, Texas, and state number of nights you expect to be in the city. We shall do our very best to help in any way possible.