Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 12, 1956
NUMBER 35, PAGE 10-11a

The Boles Home Mailbag

Bryan Vinson, Houston, Texas

It is always comforting and reassuring to be favored with expressions of appreciation of what we are doing from those who are our friends and brethren. In this particular Brother Oler is no exception. He frequently gives space in his home news paper to letters of commendation from brethren, who are praising the home and his great work with it. In fact, most of the paper is devoted to the praise of himself and the home and an abuse of those who do not join in the anthems of adulation. He continues to pour forth his stream of bitter denunciation in recent issues of this paper with pious interjections to the effect he isn't judging, but letting it be known that the Lord will judge these bad brethren in the last day. It seems that he is endeavoring to prejudice the Judge by pursuing his prosecution of the culprits in anticipation of what the Judgment Day shall bring forth. Evidently he has no hope for their recovery from the snares of the wicked one, inasmuch as he parallels them to fallen angels by saying they have "left their proper habitation." In the last issue he tells us that the scriptures are as silent as death as to how the fatherless are to be eared for. He affirms that God has imposed the responsibility on His children but left to their wisdom, judgment, ability and opportunity the meeting of this responsibility. This being true, isn't it strange Brother Oler has taken the position that an Orphan Home under the eldership of a congregation is unscriptural. From the above we would think he regards any and every arrangement which human wisdom might suggest and human judgment dictate as within the bounds of our scriptural liberty in Christ which he is devoted to protecting, and yet he interposes with a restriction on that liberty himself. Is he liable to be found destroying that which he is seeking to build up, or building up that which he is seeking to destroy?

In his latest contribution from his man-box we are presented with a letter from Brother C. M. Pullias, with Brother Oler's expression of regard for, and esteem of, Brother Pullias. I, too, know and esteem highly Brother Pullias. As a matter of fact I've known him for years rather well and intimately, and have beard him voice much anxiety for the church in years past. Often have I heard him say that fine church buildings, colleges and orphan homes were absorbing so much of the money of brethren that it was bleeding the church, so that we are unable to preach to the lost of earth. Being young, I was impressed mightily by his observations and reflections founded on years of experience and study.

But here is his letter to Brother Oler, with the latter's comments thereon:

"From a veteran gospel preacher.

"Dear Brother Oler:

"We are enclosing five dollars with your one for the home. Wish it were much more. We are in sympathy with the great work in caring for the orphan children. We commend you and Sister Oler for your splendid work at the home. May God bless you is our prayer. We are always, Brother and Sister C. M. Pullias.

"We do appreciate, more than words express, this encouraging word from Brother and Sister Pullias, people who through many long and fruitful years have investedunselfishly their lives to the cause of New Testament Christianity. Even before I obeyed the gospel I heard Brother Pullias preaching the truth over the radio, and have been indebted to him for his example of loyalty and devotion to the Lord, his church and his word."

Back in those years when Gayle heard Brother Pullias preaching over the radio, he was in the full power of his strength as a gospel preacher, and was working with the Pearl and Bryan congregation in Dallas, Texas. Brother Oler implies that at that time he heard those things from this eloquent and mighty preacher which made him indebted to him for some of that which he then learned. I also have learned some fine lessons of gospel truth from Brother Pullias. I have a copy of the volume styled, "The Life and Works of C. M. Pullias." I wonder if Gayle has this book ? If so, he might turn its pages and find some very interesting statements. I have before me one which was recalled to my mind by this letter above quoted. The statement from the pen of Brother Pullias was written approximately twenty-five years ago. He then was much concerned about what he considered an impending apostasy. Here it is:

"A great apostasy, maybe, is being planned unawares in the various things the local churches are doing under the eldership. Institutionalism is dangerous because it is a departure from the apostolic way. Human societies to do missionary work is wrong, but no more so than some human organization to take care of the orphans or old people or even the young folks. Happy is the man that condemneth not himself in that which he alloweth. Why not take care of all the work of the Lord as in New Testament times? Do you say times have changed? Then the church is not sufficient, eh? Look out for a great fall!" Page 577.

"Since there is nothing larger nor smaller than the local church through which to work and worship in the New Testament, we should be careful not to band several congregations together for any purpose, neither should we have a class or a clan in the local church doing anything independent of the church. So, then, we would have no ladies Bible class or any other class doing work independent of the church." Page 580.

These excerpts are taken from the "Watchman," a church paper of the Pearl and Bryan congregation, written by Brother Pullias, and incorporated in the above mentioned book. With all the felt and expressed sense of indebtedness by Brother Oler for his "example of loyalty, and devotion to the Lord, his church and his word," it seems from the above that the benefits derived therefrom by Gayle have not been enduring and sustained. Too, there is the possibility that with his avowed regard for Brother Pullias he might yet ponder these statements and profit therefrom. Of course he thinks too highly of him to discredit him and impeach his integrity at this late hour. But should someone suggest that these quotations from Brother Pullias, past and present, are inconsistent with each other, we acknowledge they are. Brethren through the years have ascribed to Alexander Campbell's statements made in his prime more weight than those of later years, offered in apology for the missionary society. By the same token I respectfully suggest that statements intellectually made out of regard for an adherence to the New Testament pattern twenty-five years ago by Brother Pullias are entitled to greater weight than an emotional effusion of the present wholly apart from any expressed concern for the apostolic pattern.

This is submitted out of justice both to the truth and Brother Pullias for whom I entertain such a high regard and cherish such fond memories of years forever gone.