Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 15, 1955

The Overflow

F. Y. T.


We've just heard a new argument for segregation: When the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized, it was done "privately" and in an isolated, secluded, out-of-the-way spot! Thus, even from the beginning of the gospel God has shown that segregation is to be practiced! And where did we run across this ingenuous argument? Why in the south, the deep south, that is, of Louisiana. And you just can't get much "southern" than that!

"Too big for your church alone"

From Long Beach, California, Brother Bill Fling sends us a mighty intriguing letter put out by the Long Beach Council of Churches trying to promote a great work in Long Beach which is "too big for any one denomination alone to accomplish." If a word could be changed in a spot or two, we would be almost willing to believe that the letter had been copied from some of the propaganda letters our own brethren have been sending out in recent years to promote their projects which are "too big for one church alone" to accomplish. All such movements toward centralization are headed straight for Rome — and blind is the man who cannot see it!


A while back we heard some talk to the effect that one of the "big" preachers among us was thinking of writing his autobiography for the enlightenment, entertainment, and encouragement of following generations. If he goes through with the plan, we have a couple of title suggestions we'd like to offer, either of which we think would be quite suitable: "A Self-made Man Who Worshipped His Creator," or if he wants something shorter, how about: "The Man I Love."

Flying saucers

Brother Hollis Parker, preacher for the church at Carthage, Tennessee, sends us the following highly interesting information on "flying saucers" which he picked up from the bulletin of a "Jesus Only" preacher in his part of the country. This "Jesus Only" editor says he had a vision and God revealed to him ". . . that those objects came from God at his bidding and are evidently nothing more than the chariots such as picked up Elijah and translated him and which are about to do a great work among God's people in these days!"

Modern miss

The modern young miss, wearing one of those backless, strapless, neck-less, gownless evening dresses rushed into the doctor's office. "Doctor," she wailed, "I feel a cold coming on. What can I do about it?" The crusty old medic eyed her with a bit of disgust, and then snorted, "I'll tell you what to do. Go home, get dressed, and go to bed!"

British denominations

A recent British publication "Exploring English Character" lists some fascinating names of some of t h e denominations in England. Among those that caught our fancy are "Peculiar Persons," "Toc H," "The Countess of Huntingdon's Persuasion." We can half-way guess at the origin of the first (1 Peter 2:9), but what on earth can be the significance of "Toc H"?

Lipscomb on church division

"It is a sin, a terrible sin, for a man to divide a church of God; but when standing firm for the truth of God divides a church, God divides it. He divides it because part of it, by departing from his order or adding to his appointments, has ceased to be of his church. Those who stand by his order constitute his church, if there be but one." (D. Lipscomb — "Questions Answered", p. 148)

"Preaching Through Entertainment"

"I want to commend the thoughts presented on "Preaching Through Benevolence" in the October 6 Gospel Guardian. However I believe you will find the same principles in operation in Germany and Japan under a different guise . .. that being in the form of free or subsidized schooling, youth camps, etc. I have often wondered why so much has been said against "church supported" schools in America and so little said about the purely church supported college in Japan. Preaching through benevolence seems to be outmoded by the more popular "preaching through entertainment." — Max Watson, Bridgeport, Connecticut

Goal to shoot at

Lee Baker from Vallejo, California, sends us a big newspaper advertising from the "Assemblies of God" which sets a goal of "One Million In Sunday School" for that suggesting we tell Dr. North and Dr. Young, that they are a bunch of pikers. They will have to get on the ball if they want to come up with these fellows!

Porter - Woods debate

The debate between Guy N. Woods and W. Curtis Porter has now been definitely set to begin January 3, 1956, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Subject for discussion is the benevolent work of the church. The discussion will be held in the Garfield Heights building.

Necessary interference

Brother James P. Needham writes us that some of the preachers have finally worked out to their own satisfaction the three ways by which God's will is made known through the Bible: "Direct command; approved example; and necessary interference." It is by this last named method that the scripturalness of such projects as Herald of Truth may be established.

Lanier - Douthitt debate?

This issue of the Guardian is being prepared a bit earlier than usual so as to permit the editor to go to the Abilene debate unencumbered with the chore of getting it out. Hence, we have no late news on the progress of the Lanier-Douthitt negotiations for a debate in San Antonio. We hope it materializes soon. Announcement will be made as quickly as we have any definite word of information.

Benjamin Franklin said it

"One good husband is worth two good wives; because the scarcer a thing is the more it is to be valued."