Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
November 17, 1955

The Overflow

F. Y. T.

"Bring The Parchments"

Brother Roy Lanier says Albert Barnes is the "most widely read and deeply respected commentator among my preaching brethren." (See article by Cecil B. Douthitt — this issue.) Where has Brother Lanier been all these years that he has not heard that private little joke that the "preaching brethren" have been enjoying so long — namely, that when Paul wrote Timothy to "bring the parchments", he actually meant Johnson's Notes! We're in the book business, and we say that among the "brethren", both preachers and non-preachers, Johnson's Notes outsells Barnes' Notes by about twenty to one.

"Bible Deliverance Revival"

Brother George W. Tyler of San Diego, California, sends us a clipping from the newspaper there advertising a "Bible Deliverance" campaign. We wouldn't have to strain a single brain cell to think of the names of a few "anti-Bible" brethren who give every indication of wanting to be "delivered" from Bible teaching. They shy away from it in their writings as though in mortal terror of what it says — as well they ought to be!


"I take the Gospel Advocate and enjoy it; for every issue seems to get better. It is getting more and more like our papers every day." These are the words of a preacher in the Christian Church, as he was in conversation with Brother Lloyd Barker of Hillsboro, Ohio, and Brother Robert Atkinson of Columbus. No comment.

The Hobby Of "Anti-Hobbyism"

A few (not many, thank the Lord) brethren among us have lately gone hog-wild and glassy-eyed in their fanatical opposition to "hobbyism." Brother Sterl Watson, for one, has had scarcely an article or a news report in the Gospel Advocate in the last two or three years which did not deal with his pet hobby: "hobbyism." The talented cartoonist who draws the pictures for the editorials in the Christian Chronicle seems to have been bitten by the same bug; likewise the dynamic young editor of that journal. We think it would astonish even them to count back and see how many articles they have written and how many pictures they have drawn concerning their pet hobby: "hobbyism."

Not Alone

That we're not alone in the above judgment is evident from a brief paragraph we've just seen (since writing the above) in the fine little paper "Sword of Peace", which is published by an excellent corps of young gospel preachers east of the River — Jimmy Thomas, Tom Holland, and five or six others. Says Thomas, . . . a hobbyist is one who gets on one theme and stays on that continually, forgetting everything else. We ought to be careful that we do not call someone something that he is not. I fear that some may be and are making a hobby out of calling others hobbyists!" Well said.

Special Sale

Don't forget our special sale, which will last until January 1: Holt-Totty Debate (usually $3.50) only $2.50; Otey-Briney Debate (usual price $3.00) only $2.50; both debates for only $4.00. Also a special sale on what's left of the Cogdill-Jackson Debate, only $2.00

Side By Side

A Nashville newspaper a few weeks ago contained two interesting stories in adjoining columns. One told of a "Methodist Youth Convention" and the other told of a "Church of Christ Revival"'. The latter "was arranged and conducted entirely by young people of high school and college age," the final lesson being brought by Donn Rudd, 23-year-old student from California. No doubt somebody will explain that the whole thing was just a "reporter's error," and that actually there was no effort at all to ape the denominations in a "youth revival."

"Ain't That A Shame!"

Some weeks ago this column carried a report from the Nashville Banner which told how "representatives of four Protestant denominations" had joined hands in the dedicatory ceremonies for the "Nancy Webb Kelly Memorial Methodist Church." One of the "Protestant denominations" was represented, so the paper said, by O. Jennings Davis of the Hillsboro Church of Christ. This is the congregation in which Brother Goodpasture, "the capable, cultured, and conscientious" editor of the Gospel Advocate serves as an elder. Now comes that fine gentleman defending himself and Davis and complaining that the church news editor of the Nashville Banner "put a religious complexion on the meeting and described Davis as a representative of the church of Christ which was not true." Now, isn't it an awful shame that a church news editor will put a "religious complexion" on the dedication of a church building! How could he stoop so low? To tell the truth, says the bishop, Davis attended the ceremonies as a representative of the National Life Insurance Company. Nancy Webb Kelly was also an employee of this company. And how did the reporter find out that Davis was a member of Hillsboro Church of Christ? And who gave the photographer the proper names, spellings, and religious affiliations to put under his picture? And why did the reporter think that the dedication of a church building was a "religious affair"? Our witness sayeth not.

Don't Forget The Date

Just a line to remind you of the Abilene debate between E. R. Harper and this writer. Scheduled to begin Monday night, November 28, and to continue four nights. Subject: "Congregational cooperation." We've just learned of several more car loads coming from Indiana and Alabama. This will be a crucial four days in this history of the church in our generation. It will nearly certainly mark a turning point one way or the other: either toward greater unity and a closing of our ranks on a firm and positive platform of "thus saith the Lord", or toward an increasing division within the body of Christ and an accelerated departure from Bible authority for projects and programs that may be initiated.

Brewer Describes A Coward

"In the teens of this century — about 1919 — Price Billingsley began publishing The Gospel Advance from McMinnville, Tenn. This was an outspoken, unsparing, unflinching magazine. It was direct, bold, and fearless — so fearless that it was even fair to all sides of an issue, which is always a test of both sincerity and fairness. Cowards are never fair." — G. C. Brewer (Gospel Advocate, 12-29-1938.)