Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 27, 1955

Church Established In Franklin, La.

Jesse M. Kelley

The church of the Lord has been established in Franklin, La. From September 6, through 17, the simple story of the cross was told for the first time in that city. Many non-members, including some Roman Catholics, attended the meeting consistently. It was a good meeting and a great deal of interest and enthusiasm was manifested by the small band of disciples there. At the first Lord's day service (the day the meeting began) 62 were in attendance, and throughout the meeting more than this attended each night. The following Sunday 71 were present. The three Sundays these brethren have been meeting they have had an average of 71 present and a contribution averaging $101.00 a Sunday.

Franklin is a town of about 5 to 6 thousand people, with about 75 percent of the population Roman Catholics. Most of the brethren in Franklin have been driving 25 miles for more than two years to worship God in New Iberia. The church here in Lafayette helped them to acquire $2040.00 with which to pay a two year lease in advance on a building in which they could meet. Paying in advance seemed to be the only way they could secure a place in which to worship. They were opposed on every side by the Catholic population. This made it difficult to secure a place of worship. If the Catholics did not own the property the church endeavored to get, they would in some other way block the transaction. But even a Catholic will give in when you show him enough money at one time — with some the money has more influence than the Priest. The building leased is adequate for the time but the zeal and enthusiasm manifested by the brethren there make it evident that it will not be for long. It is our opinion that they will have to acquire a larger building in the not too distant future for assembly, and use the present one for class rooms.

The brethren there have asked me to help them to acquire sufficient support to move a full time preacher there to work with them. We believe that if an able gospel preacher were to be moved into Franklin now that the church would make inroads on denominational error and Catholic superstitution. There are many, many people in this section of the state of Louisiana who have never heard the gospel. Many of them are sick of the corruption and commercialism of Catholicism. Throughout Southwest Louisiana many of these people are leaving the "traditions of their fathers" to embrace New Testament Christianity. NOW is the time to make the most of our "toe-hold" in Franklin. The membership of the church there is for the most part permanently settled. They have jobs in enduring local industry, and have bought homes. They are not transients who have been transferred in, likely to be transferred out again. It is now their home. They Love the Lord and they want to build a strong church there. But they need help to make the most of what they have gained. I firmly believe that in a year to eighteen months the church there could be on a self sustaining basis.

Will some strong church or churches heed this appeal to help these brethren to convert the heathen? You could find no better place on the entire globe to put your mission money. Proportionally Catholicism is as strong or stronger in this section of Louisiana than any other place in this country. It is a great opportunity for the church of the Lord. Help us here in Southwest Louisiana by helping the brethren in Franklin. I will be happy to furnish any additional information, or, you may write Mr. Lloyd Martin, Franklin, La. They need your support NOW.