Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
October 20, 1955

"Procrustean Beds"

Interested Reader.

In Gospel Advocate, 1955, page 826, Brother Ross W. Dye, writes a column under the above heading in which he highly compliments brethren.

Among a number of compliments, he said: "Anyone who dares to think and entertain any opinion which differ from those held by those people is at once strapped to the bed of Procrustes."

In writing the article, the brother must have overlooked the fact that his editor has a bed he calls "quarantine," and if "anyone dares to think and entertain any opinion which differ from those held by "him," is at once strapped to the quarantine "bed."

Is it possible that Brother Dye was driving at the quarantine bed and the editor failed to grasp the thought before publishing the article?