New Church Meeting In Peru, Indiana
The church of Christ, 1217 S. Courtland Avenue in Kokomo, Indiana supported this writer in a gospel meeting in Peru from July 31st to August 10th. As a result of the efforts put forth at that time and since, several members of the church have been located in that area and at this writing, seven have been identified with the church there, with several others in attendance who are members, but haven't identified themselves with the church as yet.
Since the close of the meeting, the brethren have been meeting in a rented building located at the corner of Jackson and Chili St. Brethren Robert Woehler, Elton English, Delois White, Eugene Byrd, and this writer has been preaching for them at various times.
Peru is a city of 20,000 population and to the best of my knowledge, this is the first gospel meeting ever conducted and the first attempt to establish a congregation ever made in that city. The government is reopening and enlarging the Bunker Hill Air Base which is located about six miles south of Peru. This will also bring in members of the church who will need a place to worship in that area.
There are three congregations which have agreed to support this work on a monthly basis. They are: Mentone, Ind., $100.00; Logansport, Ind., $75.00 and Kokomo, Ind., $200.00.
The immediate need is for a building in which to meet and at this writing the brethren have made an offer on a building located at 118 E. Main St. This building provides an auditorium, two class rooms in the basement and living quarters upstairs for the preacher. Nine hundred dollars has been pledged by neighboring congregations for the down payment on the building but it will take more than this amount to finance the building. Therefore any individual or congregation reading this report that would like to contribute to the building fund may do so, by sending your contribution to R. G. Sizelove, treasurer, 1024 Brentwood Drive, Kokomo, Indiana. Your contribution whether small or large will be appreciated and acknowledged.
Brother Elton English will begin regular work with the church in Peru on October 1st. For further information concerning this work, you may write any of the congregations listed above.
Charles D. Crosier, Ev.
1228 S. Webster St.