Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
September 8, 1955

A New Publication

Willis G. Jernigan, Bowie, Texas

The month of September will see the first issue of a new religious journal, the Minister's Monthly. This will be published by the Gospel Advocate Company with Brother Frank L. Cox of Ennis, Texas, as editor. The publishers have made a wise choice in Brother Cox. He is well known in the brotherhood for his unusual ability as a writer and editor, having served as associate editor of the Firm Foundation and editor of the Gospel Proclaimer for a number of years, and now serving as a member of the Gospel Advocate staff.

The new monthly will fill a great need in the field it has chosen. It will be especially adapted to preachers, elders and other leaders and workers in the churches of Christ, as well as cover all phases of congregational activity. It will carry materials of interest to all Christians.

All preachers, elders, deacons and church leaders should become subscribers with the first issue. Single subscriptions, $2.50 the year; in clubs of five or more, only $2.00 each. Send all subscriptions to the Gospel Advocate Company, 110 Seventh Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee. Articles should be sent to Frank L. Cox, Box 336, Ennis, Texas.