Vaughn D. Shofner, 116 Prospect Ave. SW, Camden, Arkansas, July 28: "I recently finished my first year's work with the church meeting on West Washington Street. It has been a pleasant and profitable year. This year's work included meetings in which I preached at DeQueen, Norphlet, Bearden, Daisy and Locust Bayou in Arkansas, and Wichita Falls, Texas."
Ralph R. Givens, Lewisville, Texas, Aug. 1: "I was in a meeting with the church in Somerton, Arizona, July 10 through 17. There were no additions but good interest prevailed throughout the meeting. While visiting in Yuma, Arizona, I baptized a Baptist woman and her husband. The work here continues to be pleasant."
W. Earl Mansur, 19551 Welby Way, Reseda, California, Aug. 6: "The meeting in Gore, Oklahoma resulted in two baptisms and one restoration. Last night we started our third meeting with the Liberty Church near Conway, Arkansas. This is a good, active church and we expect a fine meeting. Following this meeting I will return to local work with the Winnetka Avenue Church near Canoga Park, California."
E. Lacy Porter, Ridgely, Tennessee, Aug. 6: "Brother Douglas H. Perkins of Denver, Colorado was with us in our meeting during July. Brother Douglas Haynes, Jr., of Ridgley directed the singing. Visible results — two baptized. I was with the Mangrum congregation, Black Oak, Arkansas, in their meeting, from July 26 to August 4. We did not have any visible results. Beginning August 14, I have promised to be with the Gardner congregation, near Martin, Tennessee, in their meeting."
A. M. Plyler, Jasper, Alabama, Aug. 3: "We closed a good meeting July 23 with the Wheeler Grove congregation in Cullman County, with two baptized and good interest. I am now in what seems to be a good meeting at Coffeeville, Alabama, with good crowds and fine interest."
M. C. Cuthbertson, P. O. Box 6391, Tucson, Arizona, Aug. 6: "Work continues to be good with us at 145 North Country Club Road. Seven by membership, one restored, and two baptized during our first two months in our return to work here. Many have been and are away on vacations, but attendance has been very fine. Brother Luther Blackmon will be with us in a meeting November 13-23."
Irvin Himmel, 1208 W. 41st St., Richmond 25, Virginia, Aug. 6: "During June and July I preached in meetings in Dickens, Texas, Wesconnett, Florida, and Hollins, Alabama. After three years with the Lake Shore Church in Jacksonville, Florida, I have moved to Richmond, Virginia to work with the Forest Hill congregation. W. E. Curry has done a fine work here and is highly esteemed by the whole church."
Quentin A. Dunn, Box 1046, Seagraves, Texas, Aug. 1: "Last Saturday evening I closed a good meeting in Wellman, Texas. Shelby Sanders preaches there regularly. One was baptized in Seagraves yesterday. My next meeting will be in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, August 18-28."
John Bullock, 1900 Turtle Creek Dr., Marshall, Texas, Aug. 8: "Since my last report three have been baptized and two restored. We closed a meeting last Wednesday evening at Teal. This was a good meeting. Three were baptized and one was restored during that gospel effort. The surrounding congregations supported the meeting with their presence every night. We return in '56 to assist in another meeting, the Lord willing. We go to Wynnewood, Oklahoma for a music school August 15. When in Marshall worship with us at the South Washington congregation."
Olen Holderby, Coalinga, California, Aug. 1: "We thank God for the progress of the past six weeks; six have been baptized and two restored. Our new building is in the advance stages. We plan a fall opening with a gospel meeting — Glen Wallace doing the preaching. We anticipate a good meeting and a fine beginning in our new facilities."
Horace Hinds, 9th and Baldwin, Harlan, Iowa, July 26: "We are soon moving from Harlan. August 1st will bring to a close six years of all-time service since coming to Harlan in 1949. Previous to that I had assisted the Harlan Church in several protracted meetings. My 'ministry in this section extended to an appreciable extent to the Redline community and their fellowship has been helpful. It is gratifying that the attendance and financial condition of the Harlan Church is the best in its history. After the first week in August we expect to be at home in Indiana. Take note of my change of address and direct my mail as follows: 1620 N. 8th St., Terre Haute, Indiana."
Johnny Ramsey, 418 East 8th St., Williston, North Dakota, Aug. 1: "Since the first of April I have preached in gospel meetings in the following places: Fairview, Montana; Pittsfield, Illinois; St. James, Missouri; Waukegan, Illinois; Kenosha, Wisconsin. All of these meetings were well attended, particularly the ones in St. James, Missouri (where Luther Martin is the evangelist) and the effort in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Paul Earnhart is the faithful evangelist in that new congregation. He needs additional support. Address: P. O.Box 361, Kenosha, Wisconsin. In August, Lord willing, I'm to preach in an 8-day effort in Saskatoon, Sask. Canada. In September I am to assist the brethren in Sask., Illinois. Both of these congregations are small and are in difficult, needy fields. The church in Rangerville, Texas, and Waukegan, Illinois are supporting me in these two meetings. Brethren, we truly need your prayers and assistance in North Dakota and Montana, as well as all over the North. From Maine to Washington State, from Kansas to Greenland, souls are dying without hearing the gospel. God bless those who are helping with little or much; shame on you who have so much and are doing so little. Pray for us. Hold up our hands. Let us preach the word and live the life as Christians should."
J. A. Bruton, 1922 Sixth St., Port Arthur, Texas, Aug. 1: "Brother Yater Tant was with the Sixth Street congregation from July 25-29; services each evening at 7:30, at which time he spoke on the issues that confront the church today — such as How the New Testament Churches, Can, and Can Not Cooperate, and The Benevolent Work of the Church. He did his work well. Interest and attendance was good. All seem to be well pleased and appreciated the way in which he presented the truth on these issues."
Bill Fling, 2501 Pine Street, Napa, California, July 28: "There are three reports from Napa, California that many readers may be interested in. (1) Brother Franklin T. Puckett of Florida Christian College closed a good meeting with us on July 17. Brother Puckett is a sound preacher with rare ability. The church was edified greatly by his moving lessons. One was baptized and one restored. (2) I will terminate my work with the church here in Napa, after 32 months, on September 1st. The congregation here is one of the finest anywhere. They are sound doctrinally and without friction or discord. The elders have selected Forrest D. Moyer of San Rafael, California to work with them. (3) Having accepted the invitation to work with the East Long Beach congregation in Long Beach, California, my future address as of August 15th will be 1021 Termino, Long Beach, California. Will all friends and correspondents please note this change."
William R. Ward, Sr., 1021 Termino, Long Beach, California: ,"The work at East Long Beach is coming along nicely. There was one added by baptism since our last report. I have resigned work here to accept the work at Prescott, Arizona. Those who wish to contact me may write me at 104 N. Mount Vernon, Prescott, Arizona."