Pullman, Washington
We have been much impressed by a lengthy letter received some weeks ago from Brother Obert Henderson describing the work in Pullman, Washington, and their needs and opportunities. Believing that our readers will be interested, and hoping that some of them may be in position to help, we pass on to you a few paragraphs from Brother Henderson's letter:,
"The present congregation at Pullman started meeting in September, 1953. Prior efforts had been made at Pullman, but since there was no nucleus of permanent residents around which to build a congregation, they did not succeed. Now, there is a permanent nucleus, and those who have known of the situation at Pullman in the past say opportunity to build a good congregation there is better than it has ever been, and give it every chance to succeed.
"There are approximately 35 members of the church meeting at Pullman, of which approximately half are college students. In a recent week's meeting conducted there, the attendance ran as high as 64 for one service.
"The church there has no building of its own, but is meeting in the American Legion Hall, for which it pays $11.00 a week rent for Sunday services. Midweek Bible study is conducted in members homes. The need for a building is pressing, and the brethren plan to secure a building as soon as is possible.
"Pullman is a college town. Washington State College, which enrolls near 5,000 students, is located there. The population of the town, together with the college, is given as over 12,000. It's being a college town, and the presence of Christian students there, makes it imperative that a congregation be built up there.
"The nearest congregation to Pullman (other than the Pullman church itself) is at Lewiston, Idaho, 35 miles away. The next nearest is at Spokane, Washington, about 80 miles distant.
"Only eight miles from Pullman is the town of Moscow, Idaho. There is no congregation in Moscow. A few people from there meet in Pullman. The University of Idaho, with about 4,000 students is located at Moscow. The field, with these two towns close together, is indeed ripe unto harvest.
"The need at Pullman is for a man to be able to devote full time to the work. The opportunity for growth seems good if a man can be supported there."
Brother Obert Henderson has been preaching for some time at the Walnut Ridge (Arkansas) congregation. At the time he wrote the above letter, he had plans completed to move to Pullman this month (July), and we presume he is already there by now. The Walnut Ridge church will help support Brother Henderson at Pullman, but they are not able to supply all that is needed. Are there other congregations or individuals who can send help to Brother Henderson, enabling him to devote all his time to the preaching of the gospel in Pullman?
If any reader desires further information of the Pullman work, you may write any of the following brethren there;
Phil Lydic
1-E South Fairway, Pullman, Washington
Jesse V. Lunsford 100 Scott Place,
Pullman, Washington
Dr. A. L. Betts
Chairman, Electrical Engineering Dept., Washington State College,
Pullman, Washington
If you desire information about Brother Henderson, you may write to the elders, Church of Christ, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, (P. O. Box 42); or to Harold F. Sharp, Box 124, Conway, Arkansas; or to Eugene Britnell, % Church of Christ, Tuckerman, Arkansas. These men know Brother Henderson and his work. They will be happy to reply to any questions you may ask them.
So far as we are concerned, this looks like a fine opportunity. We sincerely hope that enough individuals and congregations will respond to it to enable Brother Henderson to devote his entire time in Pullman to preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ.
— F. Y. T.