Central Church In San Diego, California To Move Into New Location
The Central Church of Christ, which has met at 18th and "G" Streets (675 - 18th St.), in San Diego, California for the past seventeen or eighteen years, has sold this property and the preacher's home on the corner of 19th and "G" Streets (672 - 19th St.), and has purchased the property of the College Lutheran Church. For the past few years the work at 18th and "G" Streets has been hampered due to its poor location, and the church has felt the need of getting into a better location, and more respected community where its opportunities would be greater. This we have accomplished in acquiring the present property.
The church plans to drop the word "Central" from its name due to the fact we are moving out of the downtown area, and will no longer be "centrally located." However, because the church was incorporated (in 1938) under the name "Central Church of Christ" all legal matters will have to be transacted under that title. Our new property is located at 4790 Seminole Drive, San Diego 16, and is within one mile of San Diego State College. It consists of a very neat, commodious building, five years old, with proper Bible class, rest rooms, nursery and office facilities. We have an acre and nine-tenths of land, which provides ample parking.
The church will move into their new location the first Lord's day in February, which is February 6th. Then, on Monday evening, February 7th they will begin a gospel meeting which will continue through the 18th. Eleven (11) gospel preachers of the San Diego area will be used during the meeting.
Brother Robert H. Bell has served this church as preacher since May 1, 1952. His new address is 5721 Michael Street, San Diego 5, California. All correspondents are asked to take note of the change of address, of both the church and preacher.