Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
January 27, 1955

A Statement Of Policy - Firm Foundation, January 4, 1955

Reuel Lemmons, Cleburne, Texas

It is with a feeling of deep concern that I assume the duties of editor of the Firm Foundation. Every hour since the decision was reached to accept the invitation of the Showalter family to edit the Firm Foundation, I have felt an increasing sense of responsibility and dread. At this moment it borders upon depression.

This paper has had a glorious past. Its illustrious editor had no superiors and few equals. The shoes he wore were mighty big ones, and in no way do I feel even remotely capable of filling them.

The task I face is an uncertain one. I can very easily fail. No one knows that better than I. The Firm Foundation has been for many many years the leading influence in this area of the world. I hope to keep it in that position.

The church faces a constant crisis. There has never been a time since the day of Pentecost when the church didn't face a crisis. There never will be. These things come and go, but we have them with us always. It becomes the obligation of an editor to take a stand in every crisis. He cannot afford to take the wrong stand.

The proven policies and practices are hard to beat. Those policies that have made the Firm Foundation a bulwark of strength in the past will continue to be the policies of the paper. Any changes will be slow ones.

We believe in a conservative, unequivocal, kind, and constructive editorial policy. We will be forced to take positions we think to be right regardless of whom or what may be affected. We shall strive not to be dogmatic, and will endeavor to walk in all the light we have, or may be able to gain. We will constantly use all of the wisdom we have, and seek trusted counsel. Then we shall pursue the course that seems best. We will be constantly open to suggestions and advice, realizing all the while that advice, like some medicine, must be taken with discretion.

It is a terrible responsibility to determine what shall and what shall not go into a paper. So long as the task is mine I will write or print what I think ought to be said on whatever subject is at hand. I will endeavor to say what I mean and mean what I say, so as to leave as little room for misunderstanding as possible.

I will not necessarily be in accord with all that will appear in the pages of the Firm Foundation. My opinions will not be made a law for others. The paper should be an open forum for discussion of issues, but personalities and wrangling we shall strive to keep out. Principles must always have precedence over persons.

On the other hand, I believe I know the doctrine of Christ, and I will be forced by conscience to measure material by that concept.

My responsibilities are limited solely to editorial work. The business management and financial fortunes of the Company are completely in the hands of the Showalter heirs.

Never in my life have I felt the need of the prayers of faithful brethren as I feel that need now.