Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 16, 1954
NUMBER 32, PAGE 4-5a

Harper-Tant: Exchange Of Letters


Because of the wide-spread interest and the great significance of the questions under consideration, we carry this week an exchange of letters between Brother E. R. Harper and this writer relative to the proposed debate between us. Whether it will materialize or not is anybody's guess. So far as we are concerned, we are totally disinterested in any exchange of personalities, mudslinging, muck-racking, or anything of the sort. We have not even a fleeting desire to try to "defend the Guardian's practices," "explain the Music Hall meeting," defend the editor's "actions as editor," his "cooperation tantrums" o' anything else of the sort. If Brother Harper is determined to have that kind of discussion, it will probably never happen. We are interested and deeply desirous of having a discussion on Bible teaching. What does the Bible teach about churches cooperating with one another? What scriptural principles, if any, are violated by such cooperative arrangements as are involved in a national radio program like Herald of Truth?

But here are the letters. We suggest you read Brother Harper's letter first, then read the following which was a reply to it.

November 15, 1954 Dear Brother Harper:

I have your letter of October 26, and rejoice that we seem to be making some progress toward the discussion of the scripturalness of Herald of Truth. You say you are asking Brother Goodpasture to publish your letter in the Gospel Advocate. That means, of course, that the Highland elders have read and endorsed the letter, since they pass on everything you send for publication. I do not know whether the Gospel Advocate will have space for it or not; but in an effort to be scrupulously fair to you, and to give our readers full information as to the progress that is being made, I will be happy to make room for your letter in an early issue of the Gospel Guardian — probably within the next three or four weeks.


Brethren in whose judgment and wisdom I have confidence have told me that you will never, never under any kind of circumstances meet Brother Cogdill before Highland's members; and that if we are to have any discussion of Herald of Truth, I must withdraw that condition from consideration.

Your letter confirms their appraisal of the situation; and for the sake of having a discussion of Bible teaching relative to Herald of Truth I gladly yield to your ultimatum. You say it must be Yater Tant or nobody. Very well, it shall be Yater Tant. But does it not seem odd that a debater demands the right to name his opponent? Is that customary procedure with you in your debates? My desire that you meet Cogdill was caused by my feeling that he could do a much more effective job of presenting the truth on these matters than can I. And I feel that the question is of sufficient seriousness to deserve the very best that each side can offer. In my judgment there are at least a dozen men who could do a better job on the platform than can I. But if you are determined to meet no one but me, so be it. I shall in the very best manner of which I am capable seek to present the truth of God's woid on these points wherein we differ.


As to the time for the Lufkin discussion, I again yield to your demands. It shall begin on Monday night, March 7, and continue through Thursday night, March 10.

You say, "at this (the Lufkin) discussion we can arrange for you to come to Highland ...." Brother, this is NOT satisfactory to me. That arrangement must be made, signed by Highland elders and with a definite date positively agreed upon BEFORE we have the Lufkin discussion. I do not ask that all of Highland's elders sign the agreement for the Abilene discussion nor do I ask that all of them endorse you for I realize under present circumstances that it would probably be impossible for you to get such an agreement and endorsement from all of them. But I must request that a majority of the Highland eldership sign an endorsement of you, of the propositions you defend, and set a definite time for the debate in Highland's auditorium (or in some auditorium supplied and provided by the Highland elders).


As to the propositions, I think it will be wise for them to be narrowed down to the exact points of difference between us. The propositions you sent me, as worded by you and endorsed by Highland's elders, contain much that I would not deny, and much that is completely extraneous to the question at issue.

Certainly I do NOT DENY that you "E. R. Harper believe Highland Church is scriptural in organization, and in her teaching and practice of Congregational, Church, Cooperation." Your proposition, as you and the elders have framed it, would have me deny that you believe the above! Preposterous! If you say you believe, then who am I to deny you believe what you say you believe? (Who framed that proposition anyhow, you? or the elders ?)

But your belief or non-belief is not the question for debate. I am interested in debating the scripturalness of Herald of Truth — not your belief or non-belief of any given proposition.

I am not interested in debating the organization of Highland Church. You and I would probably find ourselves fairly well agreed on that point.

I am not interested in discussing the general teaching and practice of Highland Church relative to congregational cooperation. I am sure much is taught and done by the congregation that is entirely scriptural. In fact, I should think most of what is done is scriptural.

The one point, and only one, which I am interested in discussing, and the scripturalness of which I DENY, is the particular kind of cooperation involved in the Herald of Truth radio programs. I am submitting to you a proposition clearly defining the difference between us here.

As to the second proposition I cannot affirm that the Gospel Guardian "with her affiliate organizations" is scriptural for the very obvious reason that so far as I know there are no "affiliate organizations" of any kind.

I am submitting a proposition setting forth what I do believe relative to religious journalism and what I will affirm. If this does not state the exact issue between us here, then I ask that you submit a proposition which in your judgment does set forth the precise question on which we differ.

Your letter to me was in the form of an ultimatum: sign up your propositions, as you have worded them, or else "you and your group can go fishing"! I make no such demands on you. I am much interested in a discussion of Bible teaching, and if the propositions I submit do not set forth the exact points on which we differ, then I respectfully request that you write propositions that will do so. If you are truly interested in a brotherly discussion of Bible teaching, I think you will gladly cooperate in trying to work out a fair proposition stating the point or points of difference. If you are seeking to avoid a discussion of Bible teaching, and are interested only in a mud-slinging contest of vilification and vituperation, you will naturally not respond to this letter.

I inform you in advance that I have absolutely no interest in debating matters of judgment and policy. Your letters and articles fairly bristle with threats of making me defend the "Guardian's practice," opening the eyes of tht brethren as to what kind of man I am, making me face my sins, etc. etc. I am totally uninterested. You, Brother Harper, are NOT my judge. I have not the slightest intention of accepting you as such. And if you were able to prove everything you imagine, or charge, or suspect concerning my character and the character of every gospel preacher who opposes your unscriptural arrangement in Abilene, that would have nothing whatsoever to do with the question of whether Herald of Truth is, or is not, scriptural! I am interested, deeply interested, in discussing the Bible principles involved in the type of cooperation you and the Highland brethren are promoting. I want to make it as plain as I possibly can that I am not the issue, my character is not the issue, you are not the issue, your health is not the issue, Highland Church is not the issue, the Gospel Guardian is not the issue; one thing, and one only, IS the issue — the type of congregational cooperation involved in Herald of Truth. Is that, or is it not, in harmony with the Scriptures? That is what I want to debate. Are you willing?

May I request as early an answer as possible, that I may rearrange my meeting schedule to permit my being both at Lufkin and at Abilene.

- With every good wish, and with a fervent prayer that God may use our forthcoming discussions to His glory, I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ, Yater Tant

Agreement For Debates Between E. R. Harper And Yater Tant

Proposition I:

"It is scripturally right for a plurality of congregations to combine their funds into the treasury of one congregation, and under its supervision to conduct a program of work such as a national radio and television broadcast."


NEG. Yater Tant Proposition II:

"It is scripturally right for a Christian or Christians to publish a periodical, such as the Gospel Guardian or Ancient Landmarks, through which to teach the truth."

AFF. Yater Tant

Neg. __________


Two discussions shall be held, one at Lufkin, Texas, March 7-10, 1955; the other at Abilene, Texas, the week of Arrangements:

1. Each proposition shall be discussed two nights, in the order given above. Each speaker shall deliver two speeches each night, the affirmative speaking first, followed by the negative. Each speech shall be thirty minutes in duration.

2. Each disputant shall select one moderator; and these two shall select a chairman moderator to preside. All questions of order or personal privilege shall be determined by these three men., 3. The disputants shall govern themselves and order their arguments in strict conformity to the rules governing Christian controversy.

Endorsement and agreement:

We, the majority of the elders of Highland Church, endorse E. R. Harper for the above discussions. We believe and endorse the propositions defended by him. We agree to provide an auditorium for the discussion in Abilene the week of_____________________________

Signed: Elders, Highland Church of Christ:




