Bill Cavender, Box 65, Nocona, Texas, Oct. 5: "Nine obeyed the gospel, one was restored and three placed membership in our recent meeting with Joe Malone of Fort Worth preaching. I baptized six in meetings this summer. Of this total of 15 who have become Christians, three had been Baptists and one a Methodist."
J. M. Wilson, Box 253, Dexter, New Mexico, Oct. 6: "Since the last report we have had two baptisms, my son and his wife. They live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is my last child to obey the gospel. We have raised seven children and all are now members of the Lord's church. I have recently held a meeting in eastern Oklahoma. We had good crowds and I think we did some good. We found almost every kind of Anti-group there — Anti-class, Anti-cups, Anti-grape juice, and some Anti-elders. There are a lot of small churches that are starving for the gospel but are not able to support a preacher and there are lots of preachers that would go but are not able, without support. So why don't some churches that are able, do a little mission work at home by trying to give these small churches some help. The church here at Dexter, New Mexico supported me in this meeting. Three churches wanted me for meetings in this part of Oklahoma but I am not able to go without support and they are not able to support me. So let us start some mission work in our own good USA. I think the Lord would be pleased and I know it is surely needed."
What Is Immodest Apparel?
Marvine Kelley, Del Rio, Texas It is obvious that God knew that some would be careless in their dress. For this reason he instructed Paul to write 1 Timothy 2:9, "In like manner that women adorn themselves in modest apparel." It is not the aim of the writer to prove that any immodest apparel is worn to attract attention and encourage evil thoughts. To the contrary, I doubt if a professed Christian ever entertained a thought of immorality when being so attired. It is certain that the Bible speaks of an attire that is immodest. To be an attire it must be worn so we must confine our thoughts to that which is worn and not to that which is not worn. The reason for wearing the apparel is not called in question — simply the practice of wearing it is condemned.
It is only the unthinking who say that the narrow minded and the vulgar are the only ones who notice immodest apparel because God himself first noticed it and He is neither narrow-minded or vulgar. Our concern then, should be to learn what type of clothing worn by the world is immodest regardless of the manner in which it is worn and regardless of how pious the wearer might be. Our concern is not what kind of clothing may be worn immodestly (all may) but what apparel is immodest within itself.
If shorts, halters, and mid-rife and such like are not the apparel spoken of by Paul, I will readily affirm that the clothing in this age has not been invented that fits the passage in 1 Timothy 2:9.
Any argument that suggests the wearing of such apparel is permissible simply because of the comfort comes from one more interested in self than in pleasing God.
William It. Ward, 1021 Termino Ave., Long Beach 4, California, Oct. 4: "Interest and attendance continues to be high. Last Lord's day one week ago the Bible school was the largest on record. Since our last report, we have had two to place membership, two restorations and one baptism. When those that pass this way have opportunity, we desire their worshipping with us."
Gus Winter, 751 Fourteenth St., Douglas, Arizona, Oct. 5: Brother G. Malphurs of Albany, Georgia began an intensive program of Bible teaching at Bakersville (suburb of Bisbee, Arizona) last Lord's day, and will continue there the remainder of this year. He is one of the brotherhood's most outstanding Bible scholars and teachers. He conducts a class for teenagers on Monday night at 7 o'clock. A class in church organization on Wednesday night and a training class for teachers on Friday night at 7 o'clock."
J. T. Marlin, Fourth and Elm, Sweetwater, Texas, Oct. 6: "I have just preached in a good meeting at 21st and Eisenhower in Odessa, Texas. There were 25 responses. Lee McClesky has done an excellent work with this congregation. During September there were eight responses at Fourth and Elm. Two weeks ago I baptized a German couple who have only been in America a little more than a year. They were previously Catholics. I will be in a meeting at Sciotoville, Ohio, October 19 through 27."
W. Wallace Layton, Box 10086, Houston 18, Texas: "Our work here at Garden Oaks in Houston is growing with additions every Lord's day. During the month of September 17 were added to local forces, seven of whom were baptized. With a special effort made to increase attendance we have broken all previous records during this month. Bible study on Sunday morning has come up from an average of 230 September 1 to 307 as of now; the other services increased accordingly. Our next meeting will be conducted by Yater Tant beginning October 31 through November 7."
Mack Kercheville, Box 3487, El Paso, Texas, Oct. 2: "From September 19 through the 29 I was with the Mexican congregation in Houston, Texas, in a gospel meeting. There were no responses, but good interest on the part of the members and a number of visitors. Brother and Sister C. E. Eckman are doing an excellent work with this church. Brother Eckman's desire is to quit his secular work in the near future and dedicate all his time to preaching in Spanish if his support can be raised among brethren in the Houston area. His ability and zeal certainly warrant that kind of backing from the brethren."