The Indianapolis Debate -- No. 2
Nearly every mail continues to bring us inquiries and comments concerning the forthcoming Indianapolis debate between Charles A. Holt, Jr. and W. L. Totty. As we suggested last week the churches in Indianapolis generally are united on the issues to be discussed, the only dissenting voices being found in the extreme "Sommerite" position as represented by the Blaine Avenue congregation and the ultra liberal "institutional" position as advocated by Brother Totty and the Garfield Heights congregation. Between these two extreme and radical positions the other ten congregations in Indianapolis are in full fellowship and harmony. Were it not for the fact that Brother Totty has the moral support and backing of institutionally minded brethren in other areas (where he is not so well known) and has been accepted by Brother G. C. Brewer and the Gospel Advocate as the worthy champion of their contention, his challenge for a discussion would have been ignored. But in view of Brother Brewer's selection of him as a worthy representative of the "institutional" concept of church work, and as he is a frequent and front page contributor to the Gospel Advocate in defense of these extreme ideas, the Indianapolis brethren accepted his challenge.
The following announcement appeared a few weeks ago in "The Informer," the regular weekly bulletin of the Garfield Heights Church:
"Recently the Irvington Church bulletin carried an announcement of the meeting there which is to begin October 10. The bulletin said that 'Brother B. C. Goodpasture, president and editor of the Gospel Advocate,' would hold the meeting. It is interesting to notice how the Irvington Church bulletin plays up Brother Goodpasture by saying he is the president and editor of the Gospel Advocate, for the Gospel Advocate is definitely set against the policy of the Irvington Church concerning donations to orphan homes. The Gospel Advocate and Brother Goodpasture take the lead in the defense of the churches in supporting orphan homes, while the Irvington Church is definitely on the side of the Gospel Guardian, a publication that is radically opposed to church support of orphan homes.
The opposition to orphan homes and Bible colleges is definitely the main issue with the churches of Indianapolis. When Brother Goodpasture gets here, will he meet the issue here as he has through the pages of the Gospel Advocate? We believe that he will. If he does meet the issue and preaches the same thing here that he preaches through the pages of the Gospel Advocate, will the Irvington Church compromise its position and 'stultify its conscience by saying nothing about it?"
This makes it rather evident that Brother Totty considers himself and Brother Goodpasture as being in full accord on the disputed issues — and both of them opposed to the position of the Irvington congregation and the great majority of the other Indianapolis churches. Brother Goodpasture closes a meeting with the Irvington congregation on Sunday, October 17, and while we have had no word concerning this, we assume he would be the logical man to moderate for Brother Totty in the discussion. Irvington congregation (unlike Brother Totty) does not make these issues a test of fellowship; she has used Brother Goodpasture in meetings in the past, and will no doubt continue to use him in the future. This fine congregation has the same attitudes on these matters as so many thoughtful brethren throughout the nation — that is, that the questions should be studied and prayerfully considered from every possible angle, and that a break in fellowship must be the last thing, and not the first, to be considered. It is a time for earnest study, not for hotheaded precipitate action. It would be our guess (as opposed to Brother Totty's) that Brother Goodpasture will not discuss these controversial matters from the Irvington pulpit. But whether he does or does not, Brother Totty need not fear that the Irvington brethren will stultify their conscience on the matter!
Another interesting side-light of the debate will be the presence of Brother E. R. Harper and other brethren from the Herald of Truth. At least Brother Totty has word from Brother Harper that he will be there. This will be a rather peculiar position for Brother Harper. For on the "church support of schools" issue he is positively opposed to Brother Totty's position and is in sympathy with Brother Holt's. So for a part of the debate Brother Harper will be on one side of the question, and for a part of it on the other side! He will lend what aid and assistance he can to Brother Holt during the first two days of the discussion to oppose and demolish the false and destructive error being promoted by Brother Totty; then on the last day of the debate he will find himself supporting Brother Totty in trying to destroy the opposition to Herald of Truth. In fairness to Brother Harper let all who attend this discussion know that he does NOT endorse, but on the contrary opposes, Brother Totty's advocacy of church support of Christian colleges. His association with Brother Totty on the Herald of Truth issue should not be taken by any one as his endorsement of Totty's false position on the "church support of schools" issue.
Remember the date — October 18-22.