The Overflow
No Such Bird
Luther Blackmon writes that the way some of the brethren keep insisting they are NOT a missionary society reminds him of the story of Teddy Roosevelt's hunt in Africa. Roosevelt had his young son with him, and one day the youngster came in with a vivid description of a bird he had seen in the jungle. "No such bird," replied Teddy. Next day young Roosevelt went back where he had seen the bird and got a better view. Again he tried to convince his father that he had seen such a creature. "No such bird," snorted Roosevelt, this time a bit impatiently. Being a little stubborn himself, the young man returned to the same spot the next day, shot the bird, and triumphantly bore it into camp and laid it at his father's feet. "Son," snorted Mr. Roosevelt, "I've told you there is no such bird!"
Preacher Talk
A group of preachers were talking in the usual preacher-talk fashion. Among them was one who had been an ardent supporter of Herald of Truth, but had changed his mind on the subject. He was taking a good-natured ribbing from his fellows, and was being asked what had caused him to change his mind. "Well, it's like this," he said. "I got to feeling like the prisoner at the bar against whom the evidence had been piling up, overwhelming, monumental, and undeniable. Finally the judge looked down from the bench and asked the prisoner to rise. 'Have you anything to say before I pronounce sentence?' he asked. The prisoner answered, `Well, your honor, after listening carefully to the evidence I have reached the conclusion that if somebody will kindly open the door, I'll make a break for it!' Well, somebody did open the door, and I got out of that Herald of Truth deal with my coat-tails straight out behind me."
Totty-Holt Debate
Much interest is developing in the Totty-Holt debate, scheduled for Indianapolis the week of October 1822. Those from out of town who plan to attend and who need information about places to stay should write Brother Jack Holt, 1006 S. Belmont, Indianapolis. There are twelve congregations in Indianapolis, and members of these churches will be able to care for many of the visitors in their homes, though probably not all.
Indianapolis Churches
The churches in Indianapolis are divided into three distinct groupings. On the extreme "right" is the old Sommerite contention as represented by the Blaine Avenue congregation (they think it sinful for a Christian to contribute to a college in which the Bible is taught); on the extreme "left" is the radical element represented by the Garfield Heights congregation (they think the churches as such should build and support the Christian colleges); and between the two extremes are the ten other congregations in Indianapolis, holding the conviction that Christian colleges have a right to exist and may be supported by individual Christians. Blaine Avenue and Garfield Heights do not recognize the other churches as faithful congregations; neither do they fellowship one another.
"Men And Women"
At Blaine Avenue Church the contention has long been held that it is a violation of scripture to baptize any girl under 18 or any boy under 21. The Bible says "men and women" (Acts 5:14) were added to the Lord — not boys and girls! A few years ago a seventeen year old girl desired to be baptized there, and she was asked to go outside the building to make confession, on the front steps, and then to be baptized "on her own responsibility" and without the sanction or approval of the leaders of the congregation!
Two Years Of Silence
Brother Harper has had much to say about the "two years of silence" on the part of the Gospel Guardian, in which he says no criticism of any kind was urged against Herald of Truth. He apparently has read this journal almost as carelessly as he has read his Bible. The first broadcast of Herald of Truth under Highland Church was made in February of 1952. The first criticism* of the arrangement appeared in this journal on March 6, 1952, in an article by Robert C. Welch. This was followed by articles by Robert H. Farish in the issues of June 26, September 4, and November 20, all in 1952, and all pointing out the unscripturalness of the Herald of Truth project.
"I know of a church that is putting on a vigorous 'begging campaign,' asking contributions from other churches to help them in building a house. And right in the midst of their campaign they are sending $100.00 a month to Herald of Truth in Abilene, Texas! This is a two-fold job of begging. Highland Avenue Church in Texas begs them; they send their money to Highland, then turn around and beg others to help them build a building!" — Jack Holt, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Secret List
Brother W. W. Otey writes that he respectfully wrote the Highland Church elders in Abilene, Texas, asking if they would make available to him a list of the 1080 churches supporting their program. He sent along a check to pay for the stenographic work necessary in preparing the list. His request was brusquely rejected. The list is secret — top-secret; it must be jealously guarded lest these congregations be given any adverse criticism of the Herald of Truth.
Well Proved
Did you see the recent article in the Gospel Advocate by Brother Jack Meyer, giving some eight reasons why the brethren ought to support Herald of Truth? The article was interesting in that not a single appeal was made to any part of the Bible as furnishing a reason for such support. Which led one well-known gospel preacher, (a life-long friend of Brother Meyer's) to remark, "Well, Jack proved Herald of Truth by everything but the Bible."
Lipscomb's Biography
We've had a slight delay in receiving our shipment of the books on the "Life of David Lipscomb." Your orders (which are coming in now in good number) will be held until the books are available. We hope to have the books within your hands no later than October 15. It is a book every Christian ought to read. The price is $4.00.