Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 12, 1954

"I Will Hear What God The Lord Will Speak" -- Ps. 85:8

Jesse M. Kelley, Port Arthur, Texas

No finer sentiment was ever expressed. Surely it is one that all men could concur in, but it is not so. When the oracles of men enter into the "temple of revelation" they dull a respect for God's word, and become as a canker that eats away at the very foundation of spiritual life and of true Christianity. The true Christian who maintains a proper respect for God's word, will make no system of divinity drawn up by fallible man like himself, an idol and a master of his soul; but will hurry to the divine standard, and there his conduct will be determined. He will call no man master for one is his master, even Christ, and all besides are only brethren. He need not ask what Calvin or Luther or Wesley may speak; they themselves are to be judged out of the book he is to be judged from. The Christian will not be influenced to embrace a doctrine, except as a "Thus saith the Lord" has revealed it. He will go to the divine standard, not with a previous bias, but open to conviction — not to dictate, but to learn; and his sentiment will be, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak." If this be his way, his life here will be happy and useful, and the life hereafter assured.