Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
August 12, 1954
NUMBER 14, PAGE 1,13b

McCarthyism And Catholicism

Roy E. Cogdill

During the past few weeks the people of this country have witnessed the sorry spectacle of charges and counter charges, most of them vicious and personal, in the hearings conducted by a Senate Investigating Committee that has been carried to the world by TV, radio and newspaper.

These charges have involved some of the top men in the U. S. Army organization and Senator Joseph McCarthy, regular chairman of the Senate Committee to investigate un-American activities, with some of his aides. Former Vice-president Alben Barkley of Kentucky, recently said in a speech that the hearings seem to be a contest to determine who was or is the biggest liar. That is a hard decision to reach by just listening to the testimony. I doubt that the hearings have strengthened the faith of the American people in their leaders or in the structure of our government. It is tragic that so much time, money, and effort that should be employed for the benefit of our people should be wasted in such a destructive and shameful spectacle of a struggle for power and prominence.

It isn't the "coddling" of Private Schine that is the issue as the hearing might seem to indicate. He isn't the first draftee with a lot of money who has been extended undue favors in the armed service under pressure from politicians and he probably won't be the last. Corruption, favoritism, and graft have always gone along with the politics of the nation. Behind the scene of all that, as disheartening and disgusting as it is, there is something far more sinister and dangerous to this country. That something is the struggle of "McCarthyism" for prominence and power.

Senator Joseph McCarthy is a prominent Catholic. He has assumed the leading role in this country of hunting out and exposing communism and communists for two reasons. It gives him the opportunity to project himself into the position of prominence and power that will make out of him a national hero and open the way to greater power and recognition and possibly to the presidency or some other office. It is all in line with the struggle of Catholicism in our generation for world power.

The unrest of the past two decades has largely been due to the struggle between Communism and Catholicism throughout the world. Any system of totalitarianism in government whether it be Fascist, Nazi, or Communist, is directly in the path of the Catholic Church and its quest for world dominion and the power and dominion which it seeks to exercise over the governments of the earth, unless the head of such a government is a puppet of the Catholic Church such as Franco of Spain.

Make no mistake about the fact that the Catholic Church has as its official objective and always has had not only the control of these United States but of the whole world, not only spiritually but politically as well. The Catholic that denies this is either uninformed about his own church and its official aims or is dishonest and would deceive others. The Catholic Church officially considers and always has taught that civil power is essential to their proper exercise of spiritual power. This is their objective as their official utterances abundantly show. Do not be deceived by any individual Catholic clergyman, high or low, disavowing such aim, denouncing McCarthy or his tactics. The Catholic Church has not officially done so and will not do so. Such is propaganda and deception for their cause and they are as free to deceive about their real aims as Communists ever were.

No one man in this nation whether in or out of the U. S. Senate could have gotten by with what McCarthy has done and said if it had not been for Catholic pressure and the fear of the Catholic vote in this country. His tactics and methods are but evidence of Catholic power in the affairs of government and its hunger and greed for still more of the same. Even the President dares not contrary the Catholic vote.

In the eyes of McCarthy and the Catholic Church any anti-Catholic is a Communist. At least they would make the public so believe. In the trouble that our brethren, preachers of the Church of Christ, have encountered in their efforts to preach the Gospel in Italy, they were branded as Communists by the Catholics. The only ground for such an accusation was their opposition to the Catholic religion.

These are the methods pursued by Mr. McCarthy. Many worthy men in the public life of this country have been maligned and slandered by him with the cry of "Communist" because they were bold enough to contrary hint about something and refused to submit to his demands and be used by him. He has not only employed intimidation, fear, slander, and deceit, but he has filled the minds of people with suspicion and doubt of each other that within itself has been very destructive. From the evidence it appears that he has grown very wealthy personally and an unlimited amount of money has been put behind him in his crusade. Catholic interests and perhaps others have found him useful in reaching their goals and advancing their interests. It is entirely likely that in his campaign against Communism he has made the greatest contribution to it that has been made by anyone in this country. If it were not for the Catholic Church the Communist party likely would never have come into existence. To choose between Communism and Catholicism is like choosing between the "Devil and the booger-man."