Statement From Portales, New Mexico
The following statement with reference to the situation in Portales is deemed proper and necessary by the members of the University Drive Church of Christ. These facts are published with the view to presenting the situation, as related to the University Drive congregation, in it's true light. We are sincerely desirous of being right and covet the fellowship of true brethren everywhere.
In the "Gospel Guardian" of October, 1953, a statement was published which was signed by the elders of East Second Street congregation and West Fourth Street congregation and brethren representing the University Drive congregation. This was a statement of agreement designed to bring about a restoration of fellowship between the three congregations. In the meeting in which this statement was signed, apologies and requests for forgiveness were made. Since that time the University Drive congregation moving in its congregational capacity has striven to perform the work of the Lord. We have sought to keep our agreement of fellowship. If we are operating in an unscriptural way we invite any man to correct us. Just call to our attention any teaching of the New Testament which we are violating and we promise to repent and correct that error.
Although no effort has been made to show that we are unscriptural and thus unworthy of fellowship, the elders of the Fourth Street congregation have arbitrarily announced before that congregation that they were not in fellowship with University Drive Congregation. This announcement was made less than six months after the statement of fellowship was signed. The University Drive congregation has requested a statement setting forth the grounds upon which this action was taken, but to date such a statement has not been given to us. The injustice in such is evident to any who have not closed their eyes and stopped their ears. Even the Roman governor, Festus, recognized the unreasonableness of taking action against one without specifying the offence that was supposed to call forth the action. "For it seemeth to me unreasonable, in sending a prisoner, not withal to signify the charges against him" (Acts 25:27). If even this heathen could see this, principle, surely brethren who are to let all they do "be done in love" see their sin in taking such an unfair action.
As these brethren refuse to specify the reason or reasons for their action, we have nothing to go on but "hear-say." Feeling that the cause of the Lord is being hurt we feel obligated to expose and answer the rumors of "hear-say." We shall not let our "good be evil spoken of."
1. It is rumored that the University Drive congregation is-unscriptural in that it is anti-elder in its sentiment. If the sentiment at University Drive were opposed to having elders, then we would be unscriptural, but this rumor is false. We do believe in having elders to "take heed — to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops" (Acts 20:28). "Tend the flock of God which is among you" (11 Peter 5:2). This far our faith goes in the matter of the extent of elder oversight and no further; for faith cannot go beyond the word. The New Testament reveals that there were churches of the Lord recognized as true churches, before elders were appointed. The University Drive congregation is striving to develop men to meet the qualifications of elders, and purposes to appoint such as soon as they are qualified. When they are appointed elders, we shall expect them to be limited by the divine pattern and not attempt to plan and promote works of such an extent as to involve them in the oversight of something which is not the work of University Drive congregation.
2. We are also accused of being against caring for orphans. This is also false. We challenge these who are making such charges for their proof. What evidence do they have that suggests that we do not believe in caring for orphans? On, Sunday March 21 the sentiment was expressed over the Fourth Street Church's radio program, that anyone who did not agree to "orphan homes" should be disfellowshipped, and anyone in a congregation that did not believe in orphan homes such as they operate had better get out. Statements such as this suggest that the ones making such statements believe that the only way to care for orphans is through institutional set-ups such as they have.
3. We have been accused of being opposed to the Bible Chair located here. This is true. We do oppose such a set-up as they have here. We are convinced that it is being used to control most of the small congregations within a seventy five mile radius. The Bible Chair plates student preachers with different congregations; if they do not agree with Fourth Street policies, they are relieved of the place to preach. Are the contributing churches who send money to Fourth Street Church to maintain this Bible Chair willing to relinquish their divinely ordained right and responsibility of congregational autonomy by contributing to the building up of this Fourth Street diocese?
The remainder of this is not an answer to rumor but is in response to a letter given to us from the elders of Fourth Street Church. On February 13, 1954, we were given a letter from the elders at Fourth Street setting forth what we have to do if we desired a continuance of their fellowship. They stated that we had three disorderly brethren at University Drive congregation (we have now approximately 185 people in attendance for Sunday morning worship) whom we would have to correct to their (Fourth Street's) satisfaction. We told their committee if they wanted to start out in that manner that many named could be submitted from their congregation; but we believed it to be their business to run Fourth Street and we would do our best to run or operate University Drive in a scriptural manner.
They further demanded that we clarify a clause in our deed. (We purchased lots on which we are now erect our meeting house.) We have clauses protecting the loyal and faithful brethren for time to come, whether they be majority or minority. It excludes musical instruments, anti-class groups, premillennialism, liberalism, modernism and institutionalism. It can be enforced by trustees or any member of the congregation. We told them to oversee their own congregation and we would do the best we could at University Drive. Hundreds of other churches. have clauses in their deeds and at least two others in this county have them; but Fourth Street says a clause of any kind in the deed is sinful; that it is a creed in a deed.
While trying to learn the proper procedure for drawing up a deed, we noted that in 1930, Fourth Street had a clause in their deed, made to the deacons: "that no instrumental music is to be used in the church." But August 29, 1937, the same deacons removed all restrictions and this action was taken without the knowledge of all the elders or the preacher. The question arises in our minds as to why the clauses were removed. It was originally inserted to prevent instrumental music being used. Now, what are their plans? ? ?
Further, they have stated we were unscriptural in not having elders as trustees for our property, and that if we ever appointed elders over the congregation, they would have no authority in respect to the building. (Our lawyer informed us that the New Mexico State law requires trustees.) After this charge we took the time to see how a deed should be drawn up. According to the county records, on November 28, 1930, the Fourth Street property was deeded to whom? Yes! trustees! Elders? No, to deacons and their successors! Have the Fourth Street elders ever owned any church property? Yes, across town, they owned the Second Street church property, deeded January 11, 1952. So the Fourth Street elders owned another congregation's property and the deacons at Fourth Street are sole possessors of the property at Fourth Street. Who needs help?
Fourth Street congregation operates a Bible Chair that controls many small congregations in this area through the preachers, operates an orphans home, owns another congregation's property and has attempted to run the third congregation in Portales or tear it up.
We desire peace and unity and we earnestly seek the loving favor of the Lord's people, but we also desire these things based upon the New Testament plan for such blessings. We do believe that it is wrong for elders of one congregation to try to run all the churches within a given area. We also believe it unscriptural for Fourth Street or any other group of elders to initiate a larger program than their congregation is able to support. It is our belief that there are many honest and sincere brethren at Fourth Street, that they are led blindly by their elders. When they learn the facts, we feel sure they will oppose the digressive trends within the Fourth Street congregation.
Brethren, your prayers are needed far more by the church in Portales than your contributions. We have prayed for these brethren; and our prayers are now that through a study of God's word they will see the error of their way and turn before it is everlastingly too late.