The Overflow
No Paper Next Week
In keeping with the terms of our mailing permit, and in line with our policy, we publish no paper the first week in July. But the Gospel Guardian will be back in your box the following week — and with further material regarding the work in Germany. Do not miss it. Read both sides carefully. And how about subscribing to the Gospel Guardian for the elders of the church where you are a member? It makes a nice gift!
Bound Volume Ready Soon
Volume IV of the Gospel Guardian is now at the bindery. See the announcement on the back page of this issue.
Debate With Catholics
The written debate between Brother Harry Pickup, Jr. (that's a name, not a command), and the Jesuit priest Dunn, which has been hanging fire nearly as long as the peace talks at Panmunjom, seems at last, like them, to be making progress. The debate will be published soon in Son-Light, the gospel paper edited by Brother Pickup and Brother Turner in Phoenix, Arizona. First manuscripts are already completed, and Brother Pickup hopes to start publication in an early issue. Son-Light is an eight page monthly, and at $1.00 a year is a real bargain. The address is Box 5096, Phoenix, Arizona.
"Ministerially Speaking"
From Son-Light we clip this: "A Baptist preacher, speaking over the Somerset, Kentucky, radio, told of a great meeting where 'crowds were so large we couldn't get them all in the house.' Then he soberly explained that he was telling the literal truth, and not 'ministerially speaking.'
New Policy At Tipton
Tipton Home at Tipton, Oklahoma, recently announced a new policy of putting orphan children into Christian foster homes. This is certainly a step in the right direction, and we heartily commend Brother Byron Fullerton and the elders of the Tipton church for so constructive a move. This does not mean that the children can be adopted — at least not immediately. But it is very probable that once a child is being cared for in a fine Christian home, and it is obvious that he is receiving the care that should be given, adoption procedures can be initiated. This will remain for later development, however. Meanwhile, we urge that Christian people with the love for children in their hearts write Brother Fullerton for further details.
This happened in the Tant-Cayce debate many years ago. It was related to us recently by J. Early Arceneaux. In one of his speeches Tant drew two circles on the black-board, marking one of them "earth" and the other "heaven." He then drew a straight path between them which he labeled "the strait and narrow way." Next he drew a circle off to one side which he labelled "Baptist Church." Then Tant made the argument that all Baptists admit it is possible to get from earth to heaven without going through the Baptist Church; and that the only way to get into the Baptist Church would be by getting out of the "strait and narrow way." And that the only way one such could get into heaven would be by getting out of the Baptist Church and back into the strait and narrow way. The argument was driven home, and Cayce felt the force of it. Attempting to reply, he said, "That black-board figure by Tant represents nothing either in scripture or in common sense." To which Tant responded, "Before God, friends, I did not intend this figure to represent anything either in scripture or in common sense. This figure represents the Baptist Church!"
One Reason Why
Some have asked why there was so much dissatisfaction in Africa over the "sponsorship" of Central church in Cleburne — dissatisfaction which finally ended in the complete withdrawal of Central from the African work. Well, one thing (among many) was the glowing, inaccurate, and wholly misleading propaganda emanating from Central church. For a typical example, this item appeared recently in one of the local newspapers in Cleburne: "The local church (Central) undertook the task of spreading the gospel on the African continent five years ago. Until that time there had been no churches of Christ in that country. During the intervening time fifty congregations have been established." As a matter of fact there have been faithful Christians in Africa for more than half a century... and furthermore such items as the above leave the impression that Central church alone is responsible for all recent accomplishments in Africa, and ignores the hundreds of other churches which have contributed. The workers in Africa finally got fed up. And said so.
Christian Progress At Pepperdine
As a part of her fine "interdenominational" spirit, George Pepperdine College recently was host to the Walther League Talent Quest, an annual event sponsored by the Lutheran churches in southern California. This is in keeping with the continuing effort of the administration of the school to promote and encourage "fellowship's between Christians and denominational groups.
"Touching" Baptism
A newspaper in Clovis, California, recently reported at length the wonderful "baptism" of the baby granddaughter of the Methodist pastor of that city. The paper stated: "The dish used to hold the water for baptism had been carved from a stone from the Dead Sea. Jesus touched the waters of the Dead Sea many times. The water of the sea touched the stone from which this dish was carved. Now this dish touches the water with which the baby was baptized. Thus, there is a direct connection, by touch, from Jesus to the person being baptized." Amazing!