The School In Frankfurt
Are you just a bit confused as to what "the shouting is all about" in the many statements relative to the German work? Then don't feel discouraged; you are not alone.
It will probably help all of us in our thinking through the matter if we can pin-point the issue and sharpen the exact area of disagreement so that we can see precisely what it is that is being objected to. Is it the preaching of the gospel in Germany? Obviously not, for all parties concerned are fully determined that the gospel can and must be preached to the German people. Is it the fact that one American congregation has decided to discontinue their support of one particular preacher in Germany? Of course not; all of us recognize that a congregation has the right at any time to withdraw support from anyone whom they no longer want to back.
Then What Is The Problem?
There are many things involved, but the particular item that has brought this Karlsruhe work into focus, and was the precipitating cause of Brother Dick Smith's being recalled to the States has to do with the school which is being conducted in Frankfurt by the Frankfurt congregation. Just what IS that Frankfurt school?
The elders of the Broadway church in Lubbock seem to recognize this as crucial to the problem. Here are their words:
"What is the nature of the Bible training school conducted in Frankfurt? This seems to be the real basis of criticism that has most recently developed. What is being done in Frankfurt is to train men to become preachers, elders, leaders, to lead singing, and young women to become Bible class teachers. Also training is offered to any person who has a desire to study the Bible intensively each day to better prepare himself for work in the Lord's kingdom."
Now that is a clear statement, made in simple words. And it would seem that everybody ought to understand fully just what the Frankfurt school is and proposes to be. It is precisely comparable to what we in the States would describe as a "Sunday School," or perhaps an enlarged and expanded Sunday School, such as a Vacation Bible School, or Men's Training Class. It is simply the Frankfurt church at work, doing that which every church everywhere ought to be doing — teaching the Bible and helping the members to become more efficient in the service of Christ.
If the Broadway elders had left the matter there, we believe all of us could agree that such a school is RIGHT, and that not only should the church in Frankfurt have such a work going, but also the church in Mannheim, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Hanau, Karlsruhe, and everywhere else there is a congregation of Christians. Who could possibly object to the teaching of the Bible?
But the Broadway elders did NOT stop with the above statement. They added something to it that considerably confused the matter in the following words: "One or two have not only opposed these Bible training classes, but in order to be consistent have recently come out in opposition to Christian colleges as they exist in the States. The question of Christian colleges was thoroughly discussed and largely settled years ago by those who answered Daniel Sommer's arguments."
Now, if that statement has any meaning at all, it means that "one or two" in Germany have thought the Frankfurt school was similar to the "Christian colleges as they exist in the States." And "in order to be consistent" have come out in opposition not only to the Frankfurt school, but also to Christian colleges in the States.
That statement from Broadway's elders shows that somebody has his wires crossed! If those who oppose the Frankfurt school in Germany are to be branded as "Sommerites" (which is certainly the implication in Broadway's statement), then there is the tacit admission that the Frankfurt school is similar to one of our "Christian colleges" — which is the thing Sommer opposed!
If the Frankfurt school is merely an enlarged and expanded "Sunday School," then those who oppose it are not to be branded as "Sommerites," but rather as "anti-Sunday School." (We have a lot of that kind in Texas, but thanks to persistent teaching, they are diminishing fairly rapidly.)
Will the Broadway elders please clarify this point for us? Is it your belief that Brother Dick Smith in opposing the Frankfurt school is following the teaching of Daniel Sommer, or the contention of our "anti-Sunday School" brethren? Why would "consistency" demand that he oppose Christian colleges here in the States if he opposes the Frankfurt school? Is it your position that the Frankfurt school and the colleges here in the States exist on the same basis? You have stated otherwise; but your statement about being "consistent" reveals that apparently you feel opposition to one (Frankfurt) requires opposition also to the other, the colleges in the States.
One other question: IF the Frankfurt school is nothing more nor less than an expanded sort of Sunday School, then how can anybody have any ground at all for requiring that Karlsruhe send her leaders and interested workers to Frankfurt, to attend the Frankfurt Sunday School rather than their own? We think it is time for a clear-cut, definitive explanation of the exact nature, program, aims, and organization of the Frankfurt school. Is it merely an expanded "Sunday School," or is it a Christian college? Will either Brother Gatewood or the Broadway elders give us some more information on this?
— F. Y. T.