Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
June 4, 1953
NUMBER 5, PAGE 14b-15

- News -

Joe H. Morris, 2707 Ky Ave., Paducah, Kentucky, May 25: "Two of our largest crowds yesterday at Clements St.-309 in Bible school, 198 in mid-week attendance last Wednesday evening. One baptized last Lord's day."

Rufus R. Clifford, Box 282, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, May 25: "Attendance and interest very good here. One baptized recently. I will preach in a meeting at Hohenwald, Tennessee, May 31-June 7."

Robert P. Cooper, 2201 Gordon St., Hopewell, Virginia, May 22: "I was with the church at Elton, W. Va., May 10 to 17. Interest and attendance were fine. Cooperation on the part of surrounding congregations was very good. Many who were not members of the church visited the services. Two married women were restored. Lord willing, I will be with them again next year. Charles G. Lemons of Louisville, Ky., will be with us here at Hopewell June 7-14. We anticipate a good meeting. After three years with the church I am moving to Parkersburg, W. Va., the first of August to begin work with the Marrtown Road congregation. I will follow Lawrence Gardner in that work. We are looking forward to a pleasant and profitable work."

HOGLAND - JENSON DEBATE The elders at Hanna, Oklahoma, have asked Ward Hogland of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, to meet Earl Jenson (Free Will Baptist) in a four nights debate. The elders there contacted Brother Hogland after Mr. Jenson had made several bold challenges in that area. Mr. Jenson lives in McAlester, Oklahoma, and is fully endorsed by Baptists in that area. The discussion will be on "Salvation" and is scheduled for July 20-24. It will be conducted in the High School Gym, Hanna, Oklahoma. This should be an interesting discussion. All visitors welcome.

— L. K. Turner Will W. Slater, Box 7178, Sylvania Station, Fort Worth 11, Texas, May 26: "I recently taught a singing school in Cisco, Texas. Brother A. F. Waller is the minister and is doing a good work. They have a nice new building and prospects for work are good. This leaves me in a meeting in Buffalo, Oklahoma. My nephew, Noah Sparks, Jr., is doing the preaching and I am conducting the song service. My work in Hydro, Oklahoma, will end June 15th. My nephew will take the work in August. If I can assist you in a singing school or meeting, write me at my home address."


I am writing you that through the means of The Gospel Guardian I might encourage congregations or individuals who are interested in the spreading of the Gospel, to help us as we contemplate returning to France to preach the Gospel. You will remember that during the past three years we served in that capacity in France and it is our desire, since we are familiar with the people and since we speak their language, to get back to this work as soon as possible. My wife's health is much improved and the doctors have said we may go back to that work immediately. The Lord willing, we will sail on the fourth day of September.

There are no hobbies attached to our preaching or to our work. We are not in any way seeking to build colleges or orphanages or even a boys' camp, but we are anxious just to preach the Gospel. I am a member of the Cleveland Avenue congregation here in Wichita. This congregation has been kind enough to promise $125 a month on our support. Other congregations have indicated willingness to supply another $125, and we are presently in need of $100 monthly support to go there to take the unsearchable riches of God to these benighted people. There are fifty million French people. They are ninety eight percent Catholic. We can obtain visas without difficulty to go to these people with the Gospel. The only thing that stands between us and going is support.

Will you please, through the pages of the Guardian help us to obtain support, that we might go and preach to these people? We would appreciate any efforts you make on behalf of this, what we feel to be a worthy effort.

I will be in Abilene after the first of June and could be contacted in care of the college until the middle of July. I am interested in speaking to any congregation where there might be a possibility of obtaining interest in this work.

Your brother in the Lord, Maurice C. Hall Wichita, Kansas Weldon Broom, Church of Christ, 56th and Warrington Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: "Announcement was made this week of completion of plans for the use of brethren Sparagna, Mattuci, and Graham in the new radio program for Europe to originate from Radio Monte Carlo, Monaco, France. Brother Joe Chisholm, Brownfield elder, has requested that the three Gospel preachers living in Collingswood, New Jersey work together in writing, translating and recording the sermons in the Italian language. These lessons will be recorded in Collingswood, sent to New York to the Pan American Broadcasting Company where acappella music will be added, and recordings sent to Monaco, France where the 15 minute program will be put on the air each Saturday morning, 9:10 to 9:25 a.m. The first program will be on June 6th. The sermon subject for that opening program will be "Our Aims," followed by "Our Authority In Christianity," "The Place of the Old Testament In Christianity," and "The Place of the New Testament In Christianity." The theme song for the program will be "The Church's One Foundation." Radio Monte Carlo is located on the Italian border of France, and therefore is beyond the jurisdiction and censorship of Catholic-controlled Italy. The station coverage includes the entire countries of Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, and many of the Mediterranean coastal countries, including North Africa. The programs from Radio Monte Carlo enter 2,543,000 radio homes, with a potential audience of 225,000,0000. These Gospel sermons by our brethren will be broadcast simultaneously over Radio Monte Carlo's three transmitters: 1466 kc (120,000 watts), 6035 kc (30,000 watts), 9785 kc (30,000 watts). The church at Brownfield has asked brethren Graham, Mattuci, and Sparagna to write and record these sermons because of their close acquaintance with the Roman Catholic issue, and their native ability in the Italian language. Communications regarding the program should be sent to Crescent Hill Church of Christ, Brownfield, Texas."

W. Earl Mansur, 241 E. Arlight, Monterey Park, Calif., May 25: "One identified with the Montebello church yesterday. On June 7th we plan to begin meeting in our own church building which should help us immensely in reaching the people of this area. Recently I preached in a meeting at Port Hueneme. June 21st I am to be with the church in Comanche, Okla., for a meeting."