The Overflow
Cogdills Seriously Injured
On March 18 Brother and Sister Roy Cogdill were involved in a serious car wreck a few miles east of Gallup, New Mexico. The car hit an icy stretch of highway, skidded out of control, and turned over three times, Brother Cogdill was thrown out of the machine, over a fence, and into a field. Sister Cogdill was trapped in the wreckage and had to be removed by rescuers. Brother Cogdill suffered an exceedingly painful dislocation of the hip, multiple bruises and abrasions but no broken bones; Sister Cogdill suffered two fractured vertebrae. Neither of them seems to have received any internal injuries, although that cannot be known with any certainty yet. Brother Cogdill hopes to resume his meeting schedule within a few weeks; but Sister Cogdill will remain encased in a body cast for some six or eight weeks. We will have further information concerning them from time to time.
Fellowship In Lufkin
Elsewhere we carry a joint statement from the elders of the Timber. land Drive congregation and the Fourth and Groesbeck congregation ir Lufkin, Texas. Full peace and fellowship now prevails, and this writer preached at a joint service of the two churches to a happy and receptive audience on March 21 in the Fourth and Groesbeck building. That service was to be followed by another joint service in the Timberland Drive building one week later, with Brother Mar-vine Kelley, the preacher for Fourth find Groesbeck doing the preaching. We are sure this will be welcome news to Christians everywhere.
Telegram From Cogdill
To the Elders, Timberland Drive Church of Christ, Lufkin, Texas: "Yater Tant has just read to me over the phone the statement signed by the elderships of both Timberland Drive and Fourth and Groesbeck, restoring fellowship between the two congregations. I wholeheartedly endorse and fully concur in the statement as signed, and rejoice gratefully in the accomplishment of unity once again."
— Roy E. Cogdill
St. Mary's Hospital Gallup, New Mexico
"Known And Respected For Soundness!"
This is the catch line with which Pepperdine College, prefaces a full page ad recently in the Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, and perhaps other papers. But of course! Consider Ralph Wilburn, long time professor of Bible at Pepperdine College (now preaching for the digressives). Consider James Arthur Warren, shining example of Pepperdine's "sound" teaching (now preaching for the digressives). Consider Walter Barron, product of Pepperdine College, whose modernism became so evident that the elders of Cookeville, Tennessee, had to put a notice in the Gospel Advocate warning against him. And then take a good look at Roy Key (another product of Pepperdine) who denies that belief in the virgin birth is necessary. And don't forget Dr. E. V. Pullias, who continues with the school as her spiritual head and mentor — and who preaches in meetings for the digressives, Lutherans, Congregationalists, and others as he can find time to do so, preaching the things these denominational groups love to hear. "Known and respected for soundness" indeed!
One Thousand Tracts
Last week we reported that one congregation had ordered 500 copies of the Earl West tract on "Congregational Cooperation for free distribution. Well, a fine church in California has now doubled that figure, and orders 1,000 of the tracts! We hope to begin mailing them by April 15. Send your order in NOW. Prices are as follows: Single copy, 25 cents; one dozen, $2.50; one hundred, $17.50; five hundred or more, $15.00 per hundred. And we still need some faithful brother to volunteer to underwrite the cost of sending them to six or seven hundred young gospel preachers in the Christian colleges. Who can help here?
Volume Five Soon Ready
The bound Gospel Guardian Volume Five will be read for delivery in about six or seven weeks. Pre-publication orders are being accepted now at $4.00 per copy (remittance should accompany order). Volume One and Volume Two are no longer available; but we can supply you still with Volume Three, Volume Four, and soon with Volume Five. Regular price is $5.00 per volume; but we will send these three volumes (Three, Four and Five) for only $12.00.
Supply And Demand
A feature article in the Nashville Tennessean of February 21 stated that nationally there are at least 10 couples registered for every child available for adoption. And that officials estimate there are ten times that number who would register if they thought there would be any chance of getting a child that way. One hundred available and willing homes for every homeless child that needs a home! What must be the heart of the man who will deny a helpless child the opportunity of a normal home life with loving parents, and force him to be reared in an institution instead? Give the child a chance!
In the March 4 issue we printed an excerpt from a Texas bulletin in which the preacher said, "I am leaving because the elders of this congregation have forbidden me the right to preach as I believe the Bible to teach, especially as it pertains to individual and cooperative responsibility." We commented that this preacher got "fired" for his desire to preach against such things as church support of colleges, institutional orphan homes, brotherhood evangelistic projects, etc. He writes, "Of course it all amounts to being fired, but technically I wasn't." We're glad to make correction. He was not "fired" — only forbidden to preach his convictions on certain Bible subjects.
Can you spare a Guardian?
We continue to receive calls for the issues of the Gospel Guardian containing James W. Adams review of "The Herald of Truth." Not fully anticipating such a widespread demand for these articles, we failed to have enough extra copies printed, and have exhausted our supply. Are any of our readers willing to send in their old copies? We need all of the January issues, and the issue of February 4. Thanks.