Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 24, 1953

The Herald Of Truth Program


In the Firm Foundation of December 1, Brother Glenn L. Wallace of Abilene, Texas, had a most thought provoking article concerning the "Herald of Truth" brethren, and the work they are promoting through the Highland Avenue Church in Abilene. The editor of the Firm Foundation urged his readers to give serious study to the matters Brother Wallace presented.

Brother Wallace's article was re-printed in this journal last week. If the things alleged in his article are true (and we have no disposition to question his accuracy or veracity), then there is indeed cause for most grave concern among all faithful Christians. For it would seem fairly obvious that sincere brethren, with the desire only to serve God, have fallen into the most insidious and damaging kind of error — the error of using a local eldership to promote and "oversee" a brotherhood work. No local eldership is either qualified or designed for such a task. God did not set the elders in any congregation for that purpose.

In our next issue of this journal (January 7) we will carry an article by Brother Logan Buchanan in refutation of the points brought out in the Wallace article; and in the same issue will begin a series of articles by James W. Adams, associate-editor of the Gospel Guardian, on the scripture principles involved in the "Herald of Truth" work, and others like it. Are the objections to such work valid ? Or do the brethren who are critical of it fail to see the true teaching of the scriptures on the subject? We urge a most careful and earnest study of Brother Adams' series of articles — some four or five in number.

— F.Y.T.


We think it necessary and in order to sound a note of caution and warning to brethren who are being solicited for support for the Eighth and Washington Streets church in Las Vegas, Nevada, for which Brother John A. Carter has been preaching. Interested brethren from more than one church have sent us information, asking that some public notice be given of this matter.

Particulars of the difficulty there should be carefully examined by any church being solicited for help. The Las Vegas church has divided, and about half of the white congregation are now using the building of the Spanish congregation for their services, meeting in the afternoon.

Contributing churches have found it well nigh impossible to get any satisfactory accounting for the $20,000.00 or more a year which has been contributed to this field from outside sources. They have been especially disturbed at the attitude of some of the Las Vegas brethren in their support of Brother Carter in his efforts to obtain help for Las Vegas by the showing of a movie purporting to be an actual filming of a Penitente ritual, and the exhibition of bloody garments which were claimed to be the garments worn by the Penitentes during their ceremonies, and which were stained with their blood.

Actually, it has been established that the entire film was a hoax; the blood was animal blood secured from a slaughter-house; and the "Penitentes" shown in the film were simply actors secured for the purpose. Some of the movie scenes were filmed near Lawton, Oklahoma, at the annual Easter pageant there.

Some of the churches which have been supporting the Las Vegas work have ceased their contributions; and they deem it right that brethren generally should be informed of the situation there. Thorough investigation has been made by responsible brethren. There are several churches who can give factual information to those who are interested, but the most thorough and most fully documented report coming to this office has been from the elders of the Highland Boulevard Church in San Antonio, Texas, which was one of the contributing churches to withdraw support upon investigation. If further information is desired, we suggest that the elders of that congregation be contacted.

— F.Y.T.


No Paper Next Week

In harmony with our long established policy and the terms of our mailing permit we publish no paper the last week in December. But we will be back with you the first week in January. Watch for some forth coming articles of more than usual interest and significance.