Nichol-Sherrill Debate
Brother C. R. Nichol met W. E. Sherrill, Baptist preacher, at Benton, Arkansas, in religious discussion December 1-4. The debate was held in the Baptist meeting house. The propositions to be discussed were: Establishment of the church of the New Testament, operation of the Holy Spirit in the conversion and conviction of the alien sinner, baptism and apostasy. Brother Nichol affirmed the first and third night and was in the negative the second and fourth night. In the first speech Brother Nichol tried to get Mr. Sherrill to tell him if the Baptists would have a man in their church that did not believe it the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Mr. Sherrill, as most Baptist preachers, did not meet the issue but continually did his best to evade the propositions.
The final night on the apostasy subject Brother Nichol crushed Baptist doctrine on depravity and the outer and inner man so completely that it is the opinion of mans Mr. Sherrill will never again meet him. Under pressure Mr. Sherrill said his body was all that sinned about him Brother Nichol quoted 1 Cor. 6:18 "Flee fornication. Even sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body." The force of this argument was noted on Mr. Sherrill. With the grace that characterizes C. R. Nichol, a plea was made to the Baptists who were present. Nichol was the master every moment of every night. Mr. Sherrill and his Baptist people learned to respect C. R. Nichol. He is even inch a Christian and deserves the respect of those who know him and commands respect of those that meet him Never a greater victory for "Truth" has been won in our day. The debate will be published. The price will be $3.00. Send all orders to C. It. Nichol Publishing Company Clifton, Texas.
Those who think C. R. Nichol is too old to debate should have heard this debate. He is clear in his thinking, quick to catch all points of controversy, and the experience of his well prepared background make him a man who fears no man. Call C. R. Nichol for any defense the "Truth" needs. He will handle the situation capably. Many preachers were in attendance. Many came from al] over Arkansas and some from Texas. Brother Pace evangelist of the Benton Church of Christ, made the arrangements for the debate and took the debate down on tape recorder. It was a privilege of mine to act as timekeeper.