Devoted to the Propagation and Defense of New Testament Christianity
December 17, 1953

Questions About The "Herald Of Truth"

Glenn L. Wallace, Abilene, Texas

One should be reluctant to criticize his brother, especially when there is evidence that the brother is sincere in what he is doing. When a suggestion is offered and a question is asked about a work that a brother is doing, there are some who immediately cry, "Obstructionist," "Objector," "Jealous," and "crank," yet Truth is always to be found in sincere study of a question. I have some sincere questions to ask about the operation of the "Herald of Truth" radio program, but before I raise the questions, I wish to be understood. If I am wrong and if I have misjudged anyone, I shall be glad to make the necessary corrections.

The church that lends its endorsement to this _program is a good congregation and is led by sincere men They hive always been men who stand for truth. The men who do the preaching are my friends and the sermons I have heard and read have been gospel sermons. I am not jealous of the work and I rejoice in any good that has been done. I do not question the sincerity of any who work for the program.

The budget for this program is currently set at ONE MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars for a year's contract on radio and television. This is a great sum of money and even if the results are very meager, perhaps the budget could still be justified. It is not the size of this budget that disturbs me, but the methods used to collect this money are questionable in my mind.

There are fourteen people employed in this organization and salaries for its operation are at present about $5,000 monthly. Another $2,000 is usually required to operate the office. This does not come from the church that "sponsors" the program, but from the people of the brotherhood over the nation.

The "Herald of Truth" operates under a sectarian name. Can we apply the name of men or movements to the official work or any part of the work of a New Testament church? Cor. 1:12) The "Herald of Truth" is on the lips of listeners more than the name of Christ's church. "Herald of Truth" is used as a name for one branch of a congregation's work. To the average man over the land, the "Herald of Truth" is an organization with a definite program, personnel and organization. It is presented as the "Herald of Truth" just as the "Epworth League" is presented to the world by the Methodist Church. If the women of the congregation should organize the "Dorcas Club," would we object? If our young people want the "Busy Little Fingers for God," would we endorse such a name and organization locally?

The brethren of the "Herald of Truth" have an organization with officers both from the Highland Church and from other congregation & The "Herald of Truth" solicits Money for its operation from individuals over the land. The program makes a solicitation through congregations but a campaign has been carried on independent of congregational solicitation, I am simply asking, is this a scriptural plan of operation? If a congregation among us should set up "The Society for the Conversion of the Orient" and send forth solicitors among the brotherhood, would anyone object? Would it be right?

The "Herald of Truth" solicits money for the "Herald of Truth." Checks are made payable to the "Herald of Truth." Advertising material features the name "Herald of Truth" in bold letters. If this is proper procedure, then I have been taught wrong all my life and I shall apologize for even raising the question.

There is within the mind of many today, a grave doubt as to the scripturalness and effectiveness of any program of work that reaches 'such proportions as to become a "World-wide brotherhood activity" and wholly beyond either the support or the supervision of any one congregation. Earl West one of the most brilliant students of the Restoration movement today, says: "So, a local congregation obligates itself to spend half a million dollars in one year for a national radio broadcast, or a benevolent institution. Is anyone so naive to suppose that this is the work of a local church? A local congregation has obligated itself to become the agency through which the church universal can act." (Gospel Advocate) He then asks: "Does God intend the church universal to act in any kind of combination?

1. Can a local church present a "Dorcas Club," a "Herald of Faith," a "Band of Hope" or the "Herald of Truth," as a medium through which to operate, either locally or in any capacity?

2. I have always preached that an organization larger than a local church is larger than a New Testament church and is therefore not a New Testament church. Have I been right?

3. Is the "Herald of Truth" a brotherhood program? If so, can the brotherhood offer suggestions and ask questions about its operation?